Chapter Four It's just my way

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I wake to the sound of a coffee machine running and Auntie Meg fussing in the kitchen. Before I can even think about getting out of bed she knocks on the door and walks in.

"I have to go to work now. I made you coffee." She places a cup on my bedside table.

"What time is it?" I mumble groggily.

"Just before 9. I'll be home around 7 tonight. I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow, ok?"

"OK. Don't work too hard. See you tonight." She leans over and kisses me on the forehead before leaving my room. I hear the front door close not long after. I lay in bed savouring my coffee and trying to decide how to play it today. I decide to wait until Riley turns up to get changed so I can suss out how much I can get away with.

I'm just contemplating getting out of bed when there's a bang on the door. I glance at my phone and see that it's 20 to 10. Either Riley is super eager or someone else is here. I adjust my boxers and singlet before making my way to the door. Before I even get there whoever it is bangs again. Muttering under my breath I yank the door open. On the other side is a guy about my age with his fist upraised to hit the door again.

I scrutinise him starting at his combat boots and working up past the faded well-worn jeans to the navy t-shirt under a leather jacket. He has a lip ring that he is chewing on and his dark, almost black, hair falls into his eyes. His eyes are a beautiful emerald green and they look like he's smirking at me.

"Like what you see?"

"Meh I've seen better. What do you want?" Now that I know it's not Riley all pretences of being polite are gone.

"My Mum sent me here to take some chick out."

"Well I think you have the wrong place." I go to close the door but he holds it open. Which is kind of unlike me. Normally with someone this talented I would be trying to get laid but something about him rubs me the wrong way. And I don't really have time to work my magic before Riley turns up.

"Nope definitely the right place. You look just like your picture Rox. Names Riley." He sticks his hand out towards me while leaning on the door to prevent it closing. I'm so shocked I let the door fall open and Riley falls with it landing on a heap at my feet.

"Oh no don't tell me you're falling for me already." I smirk down at him. He grunts and gets up.

"So we going out or what?" He gestures at the city through the window then at my clothes. I make him a coffee then head to the bathroom to shower and change. I pick a white mid-thigh length dress with blue designs over the bodice and down one side. The neckline drops really low showing of my cleavage. I give an experimental twirl and the bottom of the skirt lifts nicely. I put on a gold pendant necklace, sandals and apply light makeup. I fluff up my hair and head back to Riley. When he catches sight of me he starts coughing and spluttering. I can't help but smirk at his reaction.

"Looking good Rox." He blurts out once he regains his composure and I can see a faint pink tinge to the tips of his ears. "So where are we off to today?"

"Centennial Park." He groans.

"Really. Can't you think of somewhere better to go?"

"Unfortunately, Auntie Meg organised it and she expects photo proof that I went." He groans again. I gather up my bag and check I've got everything. Riley follows me out and I lock the door behind me. "So how come Auntie Meg thinks you're a girl and why on earth did you volunteer to babysit me."

"A girl? Dunno must have made an assumption and Mum didn't correct her. She bribed me with an exception to my grounding so I couldn't say no. Besides after I saw your pic I had to meet you in person." He smirks at me when he says the last part. "And you definitely don't disappoint."

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