Chapter Fourteen Every single one

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Drew and I develop a routine over the next couple of days. Having coffee and breakfast in the mornings before heading into school early. I sit in his class doing my homework until the first bell rings. Max doesn't show up on Wednesday or Thursday but Drew assures me he is okay. Just processing some stuff and he'll come round on his own. We spend the evening in the lounge together, me doing homework and him marking papers.

Friday morning I get up early and have breakfast with Drew before he heads into school alone since I have the day off. He gives me a copy of the house key before leaving making me promise to ring him if I need anything. I've arranged to meet Riley at 11:30 so I have some time to kill before heading to the university. I turn up the stereo in Max's room and dance around while trying to decide what to wear. I actually feel surprisingly good. Even though Drew and I haven't really talked about what happened at school on Tuesday something has changed. We are much more comfortable around each other. He has made it clear that I am welcome to stay as long as I like and I actually believe him this time.

I went to the shops yesterday after school and bought myself some new clothes. I'd been surprised to find a large deposit had been made the previous day. It was a transfer from Dad. He must be feel bad. Drew said Dad had contacted the school to make sure I was still alive. I considered unblocking his number but the thought of having to speak with him still fills me with rage so I put it off for a bit longer.

I finally decided on a black knee length circle skirt, a baby blue long sleeve blouse and ballet flats. I leave my hair out and apply a small amount of makeup. I throw my things in my handbag and head off to catch the bus. I arrive on campus just before I'm supposed to meet Riley so I rush to find the café we'd agreed on. As I walk up I realise it's the same one I met Max at before it all turned to crap. I quickly scan the tables and can't spot Riley so I join the queue for coffee. I send him a message to check what he wants. He replies that he's on his way. I grin at thought of seeing him again. It feels like it's been forever. I order our coffees and a muffin each before finding a seat out the front to wait. I have only been sitting there for a few minutes when I feel arms wrap around me from behind.

"Hi Riley." I say blandly.

"No fair. You didn't even jump." He mutters into my ear before letting go. I stand up and pull him into a proper hug.

"It's so good to see you."

"Ditto Rox. Ditto." We finally let go when someone clears their throat behind me. I turn to see the waiter with our order. I smile sheepishly and thank him before taking my seat again. I pull my coffee in front of me and reach for the chocolate muffin at the same time as Riley.

"Mine. You get the other one." I try to pull it out of his grip and only succeed in ripping it in half. I pout and Riley just laughs at me.

"Well if you're going to be like that here." He breaks off a bit of the half he has and feeds it to me. I grin at him and we are soon lost in conversation over what's been happening since we saw each other. I leave the more depressing bits out and Riley has more than enough tales for the both of us. We are laughing so much we are drawing the attention of the other tables. All too soon it's time for Riley to rejoin his class. Riley pulls me out of my chair and slings his arm around my shoulder as we head towards the designated meeting point.

"Oh so remember that chick my olds tried to set me up with and I hooked up with her in the toilet?"

"Yeah. How is that going?"

"Well apparently she's in love with me. Best lay shes ever had." Riley puffs out his chest and I burst out laughing.

"You are so full of yourself." I poke him in the rib and he cracks up laughing too.

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