Chapter Six All they do is drag me down

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As the bus enters the outskirts of town I feel my mood dropping the closer we got to the station. I pull my hoody on and make sure the hood is low over my eyes. I stare out the window for a while but that soon is too much for me so I take to examining the floor between my scuffed Docs. The bus eventually grinds to a halt and the doors open. I take a couple of deep breaths as I hear the other passengers shuffling around, grabbing their things before they disembark.

I am the last person off the bus and my suitcase is sitting alone on the kerb. I grab it and start to trundle out to the parking lot hoping someone has come to collect me. I really don't feel like the hour long walk home since the last bus left ages ago. As I step through the gate to the carpark a pair of familiar scuffed sneakers appear before my eyes. They turn and head across the lot. I follow behind and throw my case into the trunk of a beat-up Honda. I slide into the passenger seat and rest my head on the headrest. I slide my headphones around my neck and kill the music moments before Slipknot blares from the car speakers. It's so loud I can feel it in every inch of my body. I can't help the grin. We soon pull into my driveway and I climb out and grab my stuff while the car is still running. I lift my hand in thanks and it peels out and off down the street.

All of a sudden, I'm so very tired. I can barely lift my feet to walk to the front door, let alone pull my case behind me. Somehow I make it and am happy to see that all the lights are off. Dealing with my family has been delayed until tomorrow. A small win. I trudge up the stairs and unpack my case (to hide the evidence). I flop into my bed too tired to even bother changing.

I sit up with a jerk. I groggily look around my room wondering when I fell asleep and what on earth woke me up. The front door slams shut making me jump. It must have been the car door. Great the family is here. I lay down and pull the blanket over my head hoping for a few more hours reprieve. No such luck. Madison comes storming down the hall, stomping as loudly as she can while talking at top volume. Squealing about some guy at dance camp to what I can assume is one of her friends on the phone because I can't hear another voice during the minute pauses in her recount. Her voice is muffled when she enters the room next to mine but not by much.

I give up on the idea of any more sleep and shuffle to the bathroom to shower. After washing I just stand under the water trying to work up the will to get out, knowing that when I do I'll eventually have to deal with Mum and Dad. At least school starts tomorrow so I'll be out of the house for the majority of the day. I can deal with the people at school. Most of them ignore me for the most part so it's not so bad. At home they make life as difficult as possible. I'm sure Madison and Mum do it on purpose just to see me react. I try as hard as I can not to but they know how to get under my skin.

The water turns cold so I'm forced to get out. I take my time drying myself off and slowly pull on some track pants and a sweatshirt. I carefully dry my hair and then brush it before making my way to my room. I see the notification light on my phone flashing so I pick it up and see seven new messages. Frowning, I unlock the phone. I never get messages.

They are all from Riley.

Hey Rox. Got rid of her. Did you get home ok?

Rox you ok? Did something happen on the way home. Please answer. I'm stressin here

I'm really hoping you just fell asleep. If you did please message me as soon as you get up

Rox I'm freakin out answer me

Please reply. Even better call me.

Any sign of life will do. A smoke signal, sky writing, anything

Last one before I start calling. Five minutes...

I glance at the time and see it was sent three minutes ago. I quickly type out a reply so that he doesn't call. That's not something I want to have to explain to my parents, not after last time.

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