Chapter Two I don't care much

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The tv finally goes off at 10 and I wait half an hour before pushing my window open and leaving my room. I dodge around the light sensors and climb the fence to our neighbour's house. I sneak into the garden shed at the bottom of their property and pull out the box that contains everything I'll need for tonight. I quickly change into a revealing black dress, apply black eyeshadow and red lipstick, brush the tangles from my hair and grab a pair of heels.

I creep out to the road and pull my heels on before making my way towards the nightclub a few blocks away. I could catch a taxi but I take a 20-minute walk to turn myself from 17-year-old high school kid to my 19-year-old secretary named Annie's persona.

I walk up to the front of the club and blow a kiss to the bouncer before skipping the line and waltzing through the front door. The sound assaults me the moment I open the door. I can feel the bass thumping in my chest. It's still early so it's not too crowded yet. I make my way to the dance floor and lose myself in the music. People come and go around me and I just dance on. When I start to get tired I head to a vacant table near the bar. I take a seat and wait.

It doesn't take long. I've only been sitting there for a few minutes when a young guy saunters up. I watch him as he makes his way towards me. He has dark close-cropped hair, a square jaw, and is dressed in a button-down shirt and dark jeans. As he nears I see that his eyes are a beautiful deep blue. He smiles at me as he arrives at the table. It isn't the usual smirk I get from the guys here but an almost genuine grin.

"Can I keep you company?" He gestures at the other chair.

"If your friends don't mind me stealing you for a while." I gaze over his shoulder to where he came from and catch sight of three guys bumping each other and smirking in my direction.

"I think I'd rather hang out with you to be honest." He shrugs his shoulders before sitting across the table from me. His friends cheer and slap each other on the back. "Please ignore them. I'm ashamed to say that I hang out with them at the moment."

"That's ok. They look like fun." I gaze at his face and see that he's blushing.

"Fun maybe... So... Sorry I'm terrible at this kind of stuff. That's why they sent me over here." He laughs nervously and rubs the back of his neck. I can't help but giggle. He's just a little bit adorable. Should be easy to get him to take me home.

"How about we go and dance then? You don't have to make small talk that way."

"Can we have a drink first? Sorry... I'm going to just apologise for anything I say or do that comes across badly ok. Then I can stop saying sorry every five seconds."

"Pre-emptive apology accepted. A drink sounds good." He gets up and I put my hand out for him to pull me from my chair. I keep a hold of his hand as he leads me to the bar. I convince him to order a couple of shots of tequila each. We down them and I drag him out onto the dance floor.

He stands awkwardly while I move to the rhythm of the music. I grab his hands and put them on my hips and wrap my arms around his neck. We move out of sync for a while until he finds his rhythm. I run my fingers through his hair on the back of his head and his hands grip my hips tighter. Seems he likes that. I move closer and he slides his arms around my back. I turn in the circle of his arms and press my back against him. His hands are now sitting low on my stomach. I press my arse into him and feel him responding to me. The smile on my face widens as I lay my head back against his chest and rub against him a little harder.

I turn to face him again and resume running my fingers through his hair while watching his eyes close in bliss. I kiss the side of his neck and his eyes fly open. He eyes catch mine and he stares at me intently. I can feel his arms creeping up my back until they are buried in my hair. I pull him down and kiss him. As I nip at his lower lip I can feel him moaning. He pulls me in closer and puts his everything into kissing me back. He feels amazing. His lips are so soft. He is gentle but firm at the same time. He definitely knows what he is doing. I almost let out a moan myself.

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