noche uno

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{a/n: i will list songs to listen to for each chapter, don't feel obliged, but I think they're pretty and suit the chap with the lyrics and tune etc.


// misguided ghosts- paramore / touch my body- sam kim / end of me (acoustic ver.)- jay park //

"Hobi?" Jimin whispered, into the blanket of darkness.




Nothing could be heard but the faint, slow breathing from Hoseok in the room.
Giving up on whispering to Hoseok, Jimin stood up and walked over to his bed.
He laid his hand on Hoseok's firm shoulder.


He shook him gently.

"You up?"

A sleepy moan escaped Hoseok's mouth, his eyes fluttering open.

"Am now," he replied in a husky voice, chuckling.

Jimin smiled, starting to giggle himself.

"Sorry hyung."

"It's okay, Chim, what's up?"

Jimin sat on the bed, right next to Hoseok's legs.

"Can I sleep with you? I had a nightmare."

Hoseok's face softened at the thought.

"Sure," he said, tugging the blanket out of the way for Jimin to get in the bed next to him.

"Thanks," Jimin said, feeling his way to the space Hoseok had cleared for him. Finding it, he slid down next to Hoseok, pulling the blanket over himself. He cuddled close to Hoseok.

"Want to talk about it?"

Jimin hummed in response, before speaking: "M-kay." He shuffled to get comfortable.

"I- I was walking down the street back to the dorm, and- there was this dark figure, faceless. It kept glitching and shaking, but followed me. I got afraid, so I started running, but it chased me all the way home. I ran in the house, and, and, I locked the doors and ran upstairs-"

Hoseok slid his hand around Jimin's waist.

"Hey, it's okay, breathe."

Jimin did as told, inhaling slowly before exhaling. Hoseok rubbed Jimin's arm.

"Want to keep telling me about your nightmare?"

Jimin moved closer to Hoseok.

"Is it, is it okay if I just stay here with you?"

Hoseok smiled into the darkness.

"Of course."

Jimin felt as if he was under a spell as his eyes closed; he felt safe and free from nightmares- a rare occurrence. Hoseok had that effect on him.

"Goodnight, Chimmy."

Jimin smiled.

"Night-night, Hobi."

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