noche cinco

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// happier- ed sheeran / when- dodie / green light- lorde //

Panicked conversation. 

Jimin hated it.

All the awkward scrambles to find something remotely interesting to make small talk about, leaving people chuckling- but not the good way. 

Not the way Hoseok laughed. 

Why did his friends have to have so many friends? Couldn't they just have a little party, with lots of drinks?

For the seven of them. 

His mind fleeted to those men that introduced themselves to him.

"Hey, I'm Jae."



They told him they met Jungkook and Taehyung through video games. Online. 

He cringed in memory of the way he spoke in reply.

"Oh, I've played video games before."


Why did he say that?

"I only really know them out of this party, and Hoseok of course."


He looked at his elder across the room, his chest rising and falling. The longing to be next to him was painstakingly strong. 

His soft skin. 

His hair, his lips. 

His laugh- it faded through his thoughts. 

He wasn't having a nightmare that night, but instead couldn't sleep. 

Socialisation always lead to sleepless nights full of regret with Jimin. He wasn't very good at making conversation. Hoseok was though. He had a way with words. He was easy to love. 

At the party, his eyes had wandered to Hoseok. The sadness in his eyes turned to rich envy at the sight of the desperate girls around him. 

He might as well have growled at that moment, it would have suited the scowl plastered across his face.   

The way they spoke to him, fluttering their eyelashes, playing with their hair. 

"That Hoseok over there?" Cho asked him. Jimin had warmed to Cho that night. 

Hoseok shuffled in his duvet, stirring Jimin from his rumination. He looked back at the beautiful boy. Maybe it was too soon to sleep next to him without reason, but, Jimin didn't care. 

He tiptoed over to Hoseok's bed, sliding underneath the duvet next to him. 

Hoseok slung his arm around Jimin's.

"Why didn't you come sooner? I missed you."

Jimin's face flushed bright pink. 

"I felt bad." He choked. 

Hoseok giggled, pulling the younger close. 


Jimin chuckled, still flustered. His eyes fluttered shut. 

"Goodnight, Chim."

"Goodnight." He smiled, snuggling closer to Hoseok, pressing his head against his elder's chest. 

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