día dos

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// from the dining table- harry styles / hunnie pie- zella day / sweet fa- peach pit //

"Hey, Chim?"

Jimin inhaled deeply, groaning before waking up.


"Did you sleep okay? Any nightmares?" He asked, smiling gently. 

Jimin rubbed his eyes cutely, snuggling into his duvet.

"No nightmares, but the thunderstorm kept me up."

"Aw, Chim, I know how terrified you are of thunderstorms. You shoulda woken me up." 

Jimin giggled.

"No it's okay, I was okay in the end."

Hoseok smiled gratefully. 

"You know I'm here for you though, don't you?"

Jimin tried to hide his blushing cheeks in the duvet. 

"Of course." 

Hoseok stood up and walked to Jimin's bed. 

"Especially when you look that cute." He said, snuggling next to Jimin in his bed and tickling him. 

Jimin giggled like a two-year-old and pushed Hoseok's hands off his stomach.

"Noooo!" He laughed. 

After a moment, the giggles died down and there was comfortable silence left. 

Hoseok rubbed Jimin's arm. 

"I better shower." He smiled.

"Can I-" Jimin stopped himself before he finished the sentence.

"Hmm?" Hoseok asked, smirking. 

"Oh, nothing, hyung." Jimin smiled fakely, blushing madly. 

"If you say so," Hoseok grinned, ripping his shirt off and walking to the ensuite bathroom. Jimin couldn't take his eyes off Hoseok's toned back muscles, imagining tracing his finger across them.

Hoseok felt Jimin's eyes burning into his back, and a smirk crawled its way up his lips.  

He couldn't help but turn back.

"Forgot my boxers." He giggled. 

Jimin smiled, squirming in his seat. 

"I heard what you said, by the way," Hoseok smirked, clearly enjoying what he was doing to Jimin. 

Jimin's lips parted in surprise.

"You didn't finish it, but I know what you were gonna ask." He giggled.

Jimin was awestruck, and couldn't formulate words, let alone sentences. 

"Won't be long," Hoseok chuckled, shutting the bathroom door behind him. 

"Wa-" A small sound fleeted Jimin's lips, his eyes bulging. He blinked hard and tried to distract himself, but his thoughts kept finding their way back to Hoseok. They had been a lot like that lately. 

He ran his fingers through his hair. 

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