día uno

660 42 15

// the good side- troye sivan / lemon boy (acappella ver.)- cavetown / let her go- passenger / something's gotta give- camila cabello //

Jimin's eyes fluttered open, his gaze landing upon the white bedsheets. He shuffled slightly, pulling Hoseok closer to him, causing his elder to wake up. 

"Mornin'," He said, with a gravelly morning voice, breathing onto Jimin's back. It tickled him; Jimin began to giggle.

"You seem happy this morning!" Hoseok chuckled. 

"First time in a while," Jimin barely whispered as he hadn't spoken for hours.

"Have any more nightmares last night?" Hoseok asked, tentatively. 

Jimin thought for a moment, before smiling.

"No, I didn't!"

He turned his body around, so he was face to face with Hoseok. 

"Thank you Hobi. That was the first night I've slept well in," He paused.

"I don't even know the last time I haven't had a nightmare."

He looked down at Hoseok's shirt, riding up to reveal his stomach.

Hoseok's face softened, at the sight of a shy Jimin. He hugged him close, making Jimin's face flare red. 

"I'm so happy that you slept well, Chim." Hoseok giggled, wrapping his hands around Jimin.

"You're so warm, hyung." Jimin smiled into Hoseok's chest, causing the elder to chuckle; Jimin's ears flushing pink at the realisation of what he just said- out loud.


Jimin carried his bowl of cereal to the living room, where Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok were already sitting, watching anime. A tradition of cereal and anime had bloomed over the past year, which no-one could complain about. 

Jimin came and sat next to Hoseok, the word: 'space' clearly not in his dictionary. He snuggled close to his shoulder. Hoseok giggled and ruffled Jimin's hair.

"Hey Chim." 

Jimin had been feeling clingier towards Hoseok lately, not wanting to leave his side. Maybe he attached sleeping without nightmares to the fact he slept next to Hoseok, or, maybe these things were actually linked. He always had felt more comfortable around Hoseok than anyone else, but sometimes he made him shy. Sometimes Hoseok made him blush.

"Aren't you just adorable?" Hoseok asked, squishing Jimin's cheeks. 

Now was one of those times. 

Jimin giggled, trying to take attention off of his rose cheeks. 

Hoseok cooed, playing with Jimin's neck. 

"SHH!" Jin turned to the two behind him. "HIKARU IS ABOUT TO KISS KAORU!"

Hoseok and Jimin giggled at their eldest hyung, before going quiet again, as he had asked.

Jimin's hand found its way into Hoseok's, fiddling with his fingers as the anime continued. He stroked his hand over and over, in a little pattern. Hoseok looked down at Jimin and smiled.

nightmares. (jihope)Where stories live. Discover now