noche quatro

433 28 3

// &burn- billie eilish / words as weapons- birdy / follow your fire- kodaline //



desperate, was the breath that Jimin took in. Though deep, the air he inhaled was minimal. He felt choked. The air surrounding him was thick and dark, burning his eyes with some kind of chemical. He coughed to try and clear his lungs but to no avail. 

He was curled up in the corner of his room before he stood up, staggering. His shaky feet walked out of the room and towards the nearest window of the dorm. He tried to open it, but it was jammed shut. 

"Shit." He exhaled. 

Walking towards the kitchen, Jimin was shaking, his breaths delicate, short and wheezy. He was like cracking glass, melting in an oven. 

Opening the kitchen door was a mistake, flames roaring in Jimin's face, red hot. The image of the raging fire was plastered into his mind as he ran to the front door, pleading for it to open. 

Eventually, the door handle twisted open and Jimin staggered out in front of the dorm, his breaths getting shallower and shallower. His vision blackened, its range getting smaller and smaller until it became nil. 

Jimin gasped awake, blinking violently to get back to reality. He sat up, looking up at the house, only small smoke trails left, tearing through the sky's clean air. 

He stood, instantly rushing inside in search for the members. 

"Hobi?" He yelled,



No replies.

Not a breath.



Not even a thud of a heartbeat. 


"Anyone? Please?"

Tears glazed his eyes, threatening to fall. 

He ran into all the rooms, stopping in the room he and Hoseok shared. 


Ice cold. 

Tinted blue,

on the floor. 

Jimin ran over to him, looking at his ash-covered face, begging his eyes for a spark of life. He grabbed his shoulders and shook them, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. 

Hoseok opened his eyes, staring stark into Jimin's soul. 


All went black, before Jimin opened his eyes again. He was in his room, Hoseok hugging him tightly. 

"Shh, Chim, it's okay." He whispered, rocking Jimin back and forth. 

Jimin pressed his head into Hoseok's chest. 

"Hobi, you died, in a fire, I couldn't- I didn't-"

"Shhh, it's okay, it was just a nightmare, okay?" 

"But, if it did really happen, would I have been able to save you?"


"Would you have died? Because of me? Because I'm weak, because I'm a cowar-"

"Look." Hoseok interrupted, lifting Jimin's head by his chin to face him, "It would never happen, but if it somehow did, you'd be okay, I'd be okay. We'd save each other."

Jimin rammed his face into Hoseok's chest once more, wrapping his arms tightly and sobbing again. 

Hoseok returned the warm hug, whispering into Jimin's ear. 

"It's okay, it's not real, okay? You're safe with me."

Jimin looked up at Hoseok in fear, his cheeks damp with his tears.

His gaze wandered to Hoseok's lips, and back to his eyes again. Lifting his hand up, Jimin pressed it against the back of Hoseok's head. 

He leapt to kiss him.

Hoseok returned the kiss, leaning into Jimin, who wrapped his legs around Hoseok's waist. He pulled away for a moment, staring into Jimin's chocolate brown eyes. 

"I think- I think I love you, Jimin."

Jimin pressed his forehead against the elder's, whispering back to him,

"I love you too."

Their lips crashed together once more, Jimin tugging onto Hoseok's hair.

A convulsive moan fleeted Jimin's lips as they deepened the kiss, making Hoseok shudder.

"Hoseok," Jimin whispered, "Promise you'll never leave me?"

"I promise. I'll always be by your side."

Hoseok tore Jimin closer and closer to him, pressing him against his bare chest. 

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