día quatro

424 31 0

// all i want- kodaline / to build a home- the cinematic orchestra, patrick watson / six feet under- billie eilish /

Lemongrass and sleep.

Hoseok had a distinctive smell, as Jimin breathed him in. He snuggled closer.

"Good morning." Hoseok mumbled, to a half-asleep Jimin. He twisted his neck to peck the younger on the cheek before sitting up and sliding out of bed.

Jimin grabbed Hoseok's hand as he got out of bed, begging him to stay.

"Please? Just a little while longer?"

Hoseok giggled at the sight.

"C'mon, we've got dance today."

Jimin pouted.

"Chimm!" Hoseok said as he tugged Jimin out of the bed, making them both giggle.


Jimin sighed melodramatically.

"Fiiine.." He pouted, trying not to smile at Hoseok, who tugged him close.

He kissed him on his pouting lips.

"Turn that frown, upside down." He croaked under his breath, making Jimin laugh.

"Can you not make me laugh when I'm kissing you?" He giggled, tracing his finger down Hoseok's bare back.

"I can only try." Hoseok said, before crashing his lips against Jimin's again. He ran his fingers through Jimin's hair, tugging on the knots.

Hoseok snaked his hands from in Jimin's hair down to under his shirt, around his waist.

Warm against warm.

Lips against lips.

Hands inside hands,

fingers intertwining,

breaths quickening,

heartbeats heightening,


Jimin and Hoseok, Hoseok and Jimin. The war of thoughts and worry usually in Jimin's mind had come to a standstill. The world held steadfast; only they moved.


"What are you wearing tonight?"

Hoseok called to Jimin from their closet.


"Yeah, it's the party Jungkook and Tae're throwing for the world cup."

"Oh shit, yeah, I completely forgot!"

Hoseok giggled,

"I'll help you pick something out if you want?"


Jimin giggled, tugging on Hoseok's shirt.

"Hmmm," Hoseok thought. "How about we go top baggy and bottom tight?"

Jimin smiled.

"You're the boss, designer."

Hoseok chuckled.

"Okay, how about these tight pants, and this blue satin button-down?"

"I love it already!"

"Oh! And a belt. This plain black one will be good." Hoseok smiled, handing Jimin the clothes.

"Show me when you've changed!" Hoseok said excitedly.

"Kay!" Jimin said, walking back to the room to get changed. Hoseok averted his focus to his outfit. 

"Okay so..." He muttered under his breath, reaching for a black graphic tee. Laying it over his arm, he scoured for some skinny fit leather pants and a belt and suspenders to complete his outfit. Taking all his clothes, he walked into the bedroom to change. 

At the sight of Jimin, Hoseok's lips parted, his jaw dropping. 

"Is it bad?" Jimin asked, blushing. 

Hoseok chuckled at the ridiculousness of the question. 

"No, you look-" There weren't even words. "Stunning."

He couldn't take his eyes off of Jimin; plastered to the curves and grooves of his body and muscles. The apples of Jimin's cheeks flushed a light rose as Hoseok's gaze travelled down his body. 

Jimin cleared his throat, stirring Hoseok from his trance. 

"Oh lemme see your outfit too!" Jimin begged, trying to move the conversation on. 

Hoseok was blushing now; embarrassed. 

"Oh yeah!" He chuckled, " 'Course." 

He tugged his shirt off, to put on the t-shirt he picked out. Jimin tried (and failed) to look away from his sculpted muscles, his cheeks going redder and redder. A small 'woah' barely escaped his lips in a fleeting whisper. Hoseok tried to hide his smirk, creeping at the corners of his lips. 

"Okay, how do I look?"

"Damn." Jimin breathed, chuckling slightly. 

He walked over to Hoseok, grabbing his suspenders. 

"Here," He said, "One is longer than the other."

He fixed it, smiling at Hoseok when he had made them the same size.

Hoseok held out his hand, offering Jimin to take it. Jimin slid his small hand into Hoseok's, which enveloped his own. 

"You ready to go?" 

"Yep-" Jimin began, "Oh, wait!" He stopped in his tracks, looking to Hoseok. He pecked him on the cheek before speaking:

"Yep now I'm ready."

Hoseok just laughed at Jimin, making him join, laughing at himself. 

"Okay, let's go, Chim."

{a/n: omGGG sorry it's been like a week i am so so so sorry xxx}

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