noche dos

538 34 10

// looks like rain-passion pit / rain- city and colour / impossible year- panic! at the disco //

Lightning flashed. 

"One, Two, Thr-" 

Thunder clapped. Jimin's frail shoulders shuddered.

He counted every time the lightning bolts struck, to see how close the storm was. 

"It's getting closer.." He whispered to himself. 

Sure, he wasn't having nightmares because the storm woke him up, but he was almost living one now. Jimin despised thunderstorms. 

Hoseok watched with one eye open from his bed. His vision was blurry from squinting, but he couldn't sleep either. He wanted to comfort Jimin, but he knew he'd be okay. His eye fluttered shut.

Jimin turned back to Hoseok every now and then, desperately wanting to sleep next to him, to feel his warm arms enveloping his body again, but he knew he couldn't always interrupt Hoseok. After all, they were just friends. Hoseok wouldn't want him in that way, and Jimin told himself he didn't want him either. This, of course, wasn't true, but it hurt less to lie.

His feet curled up against the side of the wall as he sat in the bay window. He fiddled with the tassels of the curtains as they hung from the ceiling, for comfort. 

"T-" He whispered. It wasn't even two seconds now. 

"Shit," He panicked slightly now, his mind drifting to thoughts of 'death by lightning bolt' and their house catching fire. He looked back to Hoseok again now, mentally cursing himself for thinking of him again. 

Thunder clapped again, causing Jimin to squeal and jump in fear, his head smacking against the wall. He lifted his small hand to rub his head where it had hit the wall, and could feel a small bump blooming. He winced in pain and shivered once lightning struck again. 

He rubbed his arms for warmth and self-assurance, forcing himself not to look at his elder. 

He told himself not to think of Hoseok, but that only made him think of him more. His warm arms, the way they were lean and toned at the same time; the way his cheeks curved when he smiled; the way his hair flopped when he walked, the pep in his step. A small smirk crept up Jimin's lips at the thought of Hoseok. 

"Damnit." He whispered at the realisation of his feelings for Hoseok. He didn't want to have to hide it, but he knew Hoseok would never love him. Not in the same way. 

Who would?

He was too clingy, too needy, too annoying, too extra, too loud, too quiet. He sighed in frustration. He just wasn't enough, not good enough for Hoseok. 

He ran his fingers through his hair, shaking it as he did so, like a zig-zag. 

The rain got heavier and heavier, and the entire room lit up as if the light was switched on. The gentle, somewhat soothing of the pitter-patter before was now torrential, aggressive and seemingly abundant. The windows caved in with the abuse from the rain, screaming in unison. Jimin shuddered and moved back into a corner, to retain some safety. Thunder clapped like never before and Jimin yelped like a lost puppy, waking Hoseok up. 

He opened his eyes slowly, his gaze instantly landing on a shaking Jimin. He was too tired to stay awake, and his heavy lids shut soon after. 

Jimin wrapped his arms around himself, all alone, and pulled his legs up to his chest. 

The lightning struck, and seemed to linger, the bolt staring straight into Jimin's deepest fears. He stood up and ran back to his bed, jumping under the duvet.

Cramming his head under the pillow, he attempted to block out the noise of rain hurling itself at the window, and thunder, practically shaking the entire house. This, however, didn't work, and the noises rattled his brain within his skull as he attempted to fall asleep. 


That would work, right?

Of course not for Jimin, when thunder was ricocheting through the walls of his house, when lightning was lighting up his room. 

Normally, thunderstorms would end within an hour, half an hour, maybe two, but this one had been going for almost four. Jimin looked up with some hope of mercy from whatever, if any, existing higher being, but to no avail. The rain carried on, and Jimin had to stop himself from crying. This was the ultimate nightmare. 

He clutched his eyes closed tightly, begging himself to fall asleep. 

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