día tres

450 35 5

// oblivion- bastille / bloom (bonus track)- paper kites / truce- twenty one pilots //

Jimin blinked his eyes open, seeing Hoseok's chest in front of him. He tickled Hoseok gently, giggling. 

The elder opened his eyes, smiling at Jimin as soon as he woke. 

"Mornin' Chim-Chim."

"Mornin'." Jimin smiled. 

"Sleep well?"

"After you woke me up from my nightmare, so much better." He couldn't help but grin. 

"I'm glad you slept okay then, Chimmy!" Hoseok said, giggling as he ruffled Jimin's hair. 

They laid there for a moment before Jimin sat up. 

"I should go have a shower." He sighed. 

"Kay." Hoseok smiled, "Don't take too long though."

Jimin turned back and giggled, before shutting the bathroom door behind him. 


Alone. With his thoughts. 

He undressed and head into the shower. The hot water droplets hitting his skin were normally comforting, but today they felt aggressive. The water engulfed him in nothing but liquid monophobia. 

He shuddered. 

Cleaning himself, he got out of the shower as soon as he could to escape it. He grabbed a coarse grey-white towel. 

Wrapping it around his waist, he walked over to the bathroom mirror. 

He rested his hands on the sink and sighed at his reflection. His eyes were tired and looked as if they were weighted; purple and blue, like bruises. 

He looked how he felt. 




He gasped at how cold his hands were as he moisturised his face. 

He was breaking apart. 

He shuddered again, and a wave of intense emotion poured over him. He started to cry. 

This crying became sobbing as he sunk down to the floor in a pool of tears. 

"Jimin?" Hoseok called from just behind the door. 

Jimin ignored him; he couldn't see him like this. 

"Are you okay?"

He felt bad. He didn't want to block him out. 


Jimin sighed.

"Can I come in?" 

Jimin parted his plump lips to speak, but only air came out. 

Hoseok waited. 

"I'm coming in, okay?"

The door wasn't locked, so Hoseok opened the door tentatively. 

At the sight of Jimin, he ran to him on the floor. 

"Jimin? What happened?"

Jimin couldn't find it in him to reply. He was so weak. Pathetic. 

"Jimin?" Hoseok asked once more. 

Knowing he would get no reply, Hoseok pulled Jimin close, who sobbed onto his shoulder. Hoseok didn't mind. He just needed to be there for Jimin. 

"You don't have to explain, I'm here, okay?" 

Jimin hummed in understanding and wrapped his arms around Hoseok. 

"S- Sorry," Jimin uttered in between sobs. 

Hoseok furrowed his brow in sympathy. 

"Jimin, sweetheart, don't apologise. You have nothing to apologise for. I promise."

"But, I'm crying. Because I'm weak. And because I'm crying, that makes me even weaker. God, I'm so pathetic," Jimin cried. 

Hoseok pulled him closer to his warm chest, rubbing his back. 

"You are not weak. It's not weak to cry anyway." He rubbed the back of Jimin's head. 

"I am. Just look at me."

Hoseok pouted. 

"Hey, look at me." He said, lifting Jimin's chin. "You are strong. You can do this."

Jimin made feeble eye contact with Hoseok, begging him to help him, to make it stop. 

More and more tears welled in his eyes. 

Hoseok pulled Jimin up from his slouch, and closer to him. 

That's when Hoseok kissed Jimin. 

To be kissed, and then kissed again, 

and again, 

by Hoseok. 

That's all Jimin wanted; needed at that moment. 

Hoseok was the last thread of sanity Jimin had a hold on. He couldn't let him go. 

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