💙Good Morning?💙

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Blueberry woke up thirty minutes after being tucked in by the very very nice lady feeling rejuvenated as ever. He spring to a sitting up position and stretched. He stretched so good he could hear some bone sword pop. He had a happy go lucky smile ready to keep exploring this awesome hotel!

Oh, or play with that nice lady. Maybe Blueberry can go find her! He sprangout of the bed and snatched his bandana. After tying thst back around his neck he jolted out of the room to go explore this whole giant place! 

Fourth floor! Just rooms, boring. But there was a staircase leading to the roof. He wondered what could be on the roof of the hotel in SnowDin. WHO CARES ONTO THE NEXT FLOOR!!! Third floor! Just rooms, boring. Second floor! Just rooms, also boring. Awww. He hoped that the hotel would have life lots of exciting things like an arcade or stuff! Booo!

He raced down to the lobby and saw the nice lady at the reception desk, on the phone. Dream was waiting anxiously standing near the desk, a very frightened look on his face. Blueberry was confused.

"Heya Dream! Uh, what's going on?"

Dream turned to Blueberry, a solemn look in his eyesockets. uh oh. Dream never ever EVER looked sad! He was always positive! Something was very very wrong here.

"It's Ink... He's been dusted."

Blueberry had tears come to his eyesockets. He looked over st the nice lady. She just nodded, taking the phone down to explain.

"I'm calling to have his dust collected so you can have a proper burial whenever you return home. They will compress the dust into a nice Little gemstone if you want."

She tried to give a smile of reassurance, but even someone as kindly as her couldn't try and help blueberry's poor soul. He looked down, a shadow overcoming his face.

"Who killed him!?"

There was no reply out of either of you. So blueberry repeated himself.


Another pause before He got an answer thst was unsatisfactory out of Dream.

"We don't know."


I WON'T leave! [Yandere!Dream x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now