Chapter 2: Tamie and the Fox

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The water-maids had come to the river to wash the dirty clothes they had in baskets. The three friends - Tamie, Tiegan, and Liz - had gathered together separately from the other maids.

"At least sometimes one should relax from noisy colleagues!" Tiegan grinned, "We can provide ourselves at least that kind of relaxation."

"So true!" Liz laughed. "Tig, you always put it so well!"

As Tamie put a hand in the basket without even looking, a precious soft black satin cloak reached her fingers. Her cheeks immediately flushed as she pulled it out of the basket. Once Tiegan and Liz caught the sight of the said cloak in her hands, they cackled:

"Oh, so you haven't heard, Tamie? We thought you'd know since you were so keen on him... His Highness Prince Wang Shao is arriving today."

Tamie's hands trembled with excitement as she clutched the black satin cloak:

"W... What? How do you know?"

"Jack told me." Liz smiled, "He is Prince Wang Wu's personal servant, so he knows the royal stuff. He said they are preparing for a feast today since it is Wanglong Empire Foundation Day. So, Prince Wang Shao has been called back from the mountains of the north in order to attend the party together with everyone and celebrate this grandiose event."


"I see you're still fond of that unreachable guy. I told you it is dangerous and futile."

"I know, but, I don't really like him... It's more like, I wish him well... The only thing I can do for him is to wash this satin cloak he has left behind. He must look good for the ceremony, right?"

"It's not like he shall know who washed it, so what's the big deal?" Tiegan laughed.

"Well, if it makes him happy, it's enough for me."

"Even someone who doesn't know you would tell it's not 'enough' for you, Tamie. We can well see how you crave for him to know you. You are that type of a person who wishes to be acknowledged."

"Alright, you've got me, Liz! But it doesn't matter. It is his cloak so I will be a little more diligent than usual."

"Fine, that's your choice."

They heard whistles of men and barks of dogs. The six princes on their horses, and their servants were chasing a fluffy red fox in the forest.

"Ah!" Tiegan sprang up, "Scoundrels! They're hunting the poor fox just for fun!"

One of the princes, who wore a yellow kimono-robe, shot a golden-tipped arrow and hit the fox in the leg. The creature groaned, trotted into the bushes and hid away. However, since its leg was bleeding, it was more than enough to chase it further.

"Oh, my! Poor creature!" Liz got in no less indignation than her friend.

"Strike!" the same yellow-clothed prince cried with excitement and whipped his horse, accelerating his speed.

"Unleash the dogs! It won't get away!"

Another prince, who wore a white kimono, ordered the servants. These latter ones immediately obeyed and the barking dogs rushed through the bushes after the wounded fox.

"I hate it when they hunt just for fun! Why should the poor creature lose its life only because some wealthy fool desired so?"

Tamie recalled how the slaves' lives were deemed as worthless as now this fox's one. The nobles didn't really care about them, let them only have some fun.

"I'm fed up with it!"

She carefully put the newly washed wet satin cloak in the basket and rushed off into the forest at full speed, no more paying heed to her friends' shouts. She ran forward and soon noticed fresh stains of blood.

"Oh, there it is..." 

Her bare feet hurt when stepping on thorns and pointy sticks, but she didn't care. Her mind was completely occupied with the rescue mission she had assigned to herself on her own. Soon, she reached a giant oak under which there was the fluffy wounded fox lying, groaning and licking its leg that bled. 

"Oh, you poor little one!" 

The fox quivered and reclined against the tree, unable to run anymore. 

"Don't worry, little one, I won't hurt you..."

As Tamie softly petted her, the fox began to calm down.

They heard the whistles and barks from afar. 

"They're coming! Quick, let's get you out of here!"

Tamie took the arrow out of the fox's leg. She tore a piece off her dress and wound it around the fox's injury. Then she grabbed her up, jumped into the river, and swam back to the washing-place where her friends were waiting. As for the arrow, she threw it into the river so that it would be forgotten. 

When the six princes and their servants arrived at the giant oak, the dogs began to furiously sniff around. They soon grew rather confused, for the scent had miraculously vanished.

"What the heck is going on? Where could it have run off to?" The yellow-clothed prince, the one to have shot the fox, furrowed his brow.

"The bloodstains stop here." The youngest prince, who was dressed in a blue kimono, pointed to the oak. "So we can assume but one thing - it jumped into the river."

"Yeah, as if, Jong!" Two other princes - the green-clothed and the orange-clothed ones - chuckled. "It was just a fox, how could it think of such a trick?"

"You know the foxes that are damsels in disguise? It was probably one of them." Jong grimaced like a coquettish girl, making the other two laugh.

"Stop acting like children!" The yellow-clothed prince didn't appear in such a joking mood. "Let's search in other places!"

They mounted their horses and rushed in another direction.

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