Chapter 15: Wang Shao's Gift

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"They've gotten quite close for a master-and-servant relationship in these five days, don't you think?" 

Di asked his best friend and brother San. They were having a cup of tea together on the balcony of the palace and contemplating the horse-riding practices of Xin Tao, who was riding the 4th prince's black horse, Bernard, on the training ground.

"Why are you so concerned about them?" San chuckled, even though he too was bothered by this issue.

"I'm telling you, that mysteriously-appeared peasant is up to no good! I have a hunch he's going to bring us trouble."

"Well, I don't think he'll be able to do anything serious. But I don't like either, how he's managed to get so close to the always-gloomy 4th brother."

"I don't know, but if I notice he's up to something, I won't hesitate to obliterate him."

Meanwhile, Tao galloped through the fields, sitting on Bernard, and whooped:


Shao watched him with his arms crossed. After doing fifty jumps with Bernard, Tao stopped the horse and sprang off its back. He bowed to his master and asked:

"Well, how was it?"

"Better than yesterday."

"Ugh, one won't make you say a single good word, Your Highness!"

"Words are seldom needed to express one's impressions. As a reward for your achievements in training, I have a present for you."

"Woah! A present? What is it?" Tao's eyes widened - he was already giving him presents?!

Shao whistled. A cloudy-white Nordic stallion ran up to them and gave out a soft neigh. It had a red bridle and saddle and was covered with spotted panther pelt. Tao was shocked - such a noble steed!

"Is that... for me?"

"Yes. He has no name yet. It is up to you to decide. He's completely yours, and your job to tame it."

"Ugh, I should've figured you wouldn't leave it without at least one evil plan! But I am truly honoured, Your Highness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"Enjoy. It is the least I can do for you. After all, you will need your own horse in two days when we depart for battle."

"Yes, you're right - I cannot ride your steed forever. So, it is a Nordic horse, right? Then I think... I'll name him Mjolnir."

"There you go again, coming up with weird mythological names..." Shao shook his head with a chuckle. "But it's your horse so name it how you will."

"Mjolnir it is, then! Schöner kleiner Mjolnir (dear little Mjolnir)..." Tao uttered in Nordic and petted the horse on the nose.

"Want to give it a ride?"

"Would be awesome!"

"Let's go, then." Shao grabbed Bernard's black bridle.

"Huh? You mean... you want to come?" 

Tao grew surprised - why would the prince want to ride with a mere servant like him?

"Yeah... Why, am I too bad for a company?"

"Ugh, no! Why do you always say that, Your Highness? I always enjoy your company!"

Shao blinked in stupefaction at such a blunt statement from a boy servant. However, he quickly regained his composure. He jumped onto his horse and looked down at Tao:

"Let's go, then."

"Well, if you so desire..."

Tao mounted his newly-acquired white stallion. They whipped the horses and rushed into the forest, trying to outrun each other. They seemed to be having quite some fun. Di and San watched them until they disappeared through the trees.

"I have never seen a servant being so straightforward to his master, and the master not giving a pin for such impudence of his." Di snarled, clutching his teacup.

"Yeah... He even gifted to him a horse and such a pure-bred one! I've never seen a nobleman give a horse to peasant servants," San murmured, quite wonderstruck by this fact.

"If you look at it more carefully, they seem no longer mere master and servant, but rather... friends. Can you even imagine such a thing?"

"Well, Di, I think you're forgetting one thing, or else you wouldn't be so surprised. Have you really forgotten who Shao truly is?"

"Oh, yeah, you have a point... After all, he's not really a prince."

"Shh! We are not allowed to talk about that out loud. You know how angry our father gets when he hears such discussions!"

"Yes, you're right. I'm sorry."

Tiegan and Liz walked towards the forest carrying baskets full of wet clothes. They too had seen Tao and the 4th prince gallop at full speed. 

"Tamie got so close to her prince charming!" Tiegan chuckled. "She's awesome."

"Yeah, but she must be careful with the princes. If she ever makes a nobleman angry or upset, she might even lose her head... especially now when she's a boy, hence men won't treat her mildly, rather ruthlessly."

"She will manage it, it is fine. Tamie's our kind."

The girls were happy for their friend - she had finally achieved her dream.

However, as it often happens in life, this happiness too was soon to be overshadowed by newly-arisen difficulties...

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