Chapter 39: Wang Shao's Politics

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The people of Wanglong got worked up when they heard that the emperor married a peasant and, what was more, a foreigner. Such a phenomenon had never occurred before. The noblemen demanded an explanation from the monarch:

"This can't go on! Two princes have already married foreigners. Now the emperor too?!"

However, the emperor didn't get satisfied with just that. Some days after his marriage, two important decrees were carried out: first - it became forbidden to have more than one wife for any Wanglongian man save for those who had already married more than once before the law would come into motion; second - it became allowed for noblemen to marry peasants and vice versa. These two decrees caused great turmoil within the country. The commoners were, of course, overjoyed at such liberal laws (since the poor society couldn't afford more than one wife anyway), but the noblemen got in indignation and demanded explanations. One of the strongest clan leaders, Zhi Shui, even rose against the emperor with a mutiny:

"This can't go on! We demand more acceptable laws!"

The emperor soon gave his response - he snapped his fingers once, and a giant army of Wanglongians, Nipons, Moguls, and Koryeoians attacked the rebellious army of Zhi Shui and slaughtered them, while the assassin ninjas entered the Zhi household and massacred the entire clan. When Zhi Shui, already mentally tormented and broken, was apprehended and brought before the emperor, he snarled at him once he saw the "disgusting foreign slut" next to him on the throne:

"You won't get away with this! You are a bloody monarch. People won't forgive you!"

Beilangshen only chuckled and replied:

"People won't forgive you nobles for acting so selfishly and abusing and oppressing them for centuries. They got tired of it, so they took my side. I am going to purge this country from oppressors and selfish fools like you. I am going to let my people taste true freedom. As for being 'a bloody monarch', there's no progress without bloodshed."

He swung his hand and they took Zhi Shui away. They publicly executed him - attached him to four horses and tore him apart. The nobles understood that Zhi Shui's fate was what awaited all of them if they defied the emperor. With the strong forces of the savage Moguls, the witty Nipons, the courageous Koryeoians, and the loyal Vidars, there was no one who could ever beat Beilangshen. But his visions spread even further than that...

One day, when, after long hours of work, he got back to his room at night and lay beside his beloved wife, Wang Shao leaned on his hand, as usual, and said:

"Tamie, I need to talk to you."

"W-What is it, Your Majesty?" the empress asked, somewhat startled. She was used to calling him 'Your Majesty' when he carried such a stern tone.

"Say, you and Nick are here for a while now... I bet you miss your family." Shao caressed her hair.

Tamie widened her eyes - what did he mean by that? Was there... something else he wanted to get to?

"Y-Yes, I suppose so." 

She cast her eyes down with sorrow, for she could well remember her brother's words, that they needed to help their country. It was just that she couldn't speak of it with the emperor since there was never the chance, the proper situation to start talking about it. She knew Shao was always busy and tired with his national affairs, so she patiently waited for when he would get interested in foreign matters too. Now, finally hearing something from him about her country, her hopes rekindled. 

"We... We do miss our family, but I feel happy beside you, Your Majesty." She pressed her cheek against his chest.

"I'm asking because, as far as I know from you and your brother, Qartlandians too deem Sorovin an enemy," the emperor said. 

He seemed too serious. It didn't look like he was simply interested in her thoughts now. He clearly had a plan in his mind and only discussed it with his Qartlandian wife since she was a person who knew her country too well, and better than him. It got Tamie a little frightened. She already knew Shao both as a bloody emperor and a devoted husband, but, in matters of politics, he would surely show his bloody monarch face rather than that of the loving spouse.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty, we do deem Sorovs enemies. They even hold the capital city of Qartland, Tibiru, in their hands now. I am sure our people are sick of it and long to get free. But... wait, do you perchance wish to conquer Qartland?!" 

Yes, it was most likely the case - now when he had already made his kingdom strong and fierce, he wanted to lead conquering wars!

At such a shocked reaction from his wife, Shao furrowed his brow:

"I'd never invade your homeland! Wanglong is already big enough of an empire. If one leads conquering wars so recklessly, they will lose what they already have and gain nothing new. I just want to gather more allies against Sorovin and establish a grand road that links to Qartland, because that little kingdom is, in fact, on the border of the Western world and our, Eastern one. If I were on good terms with them, it would help with further relations, both in terms of trade and politics, with the Western world. It would, in the end, lead to Wanglong's economic and political prosperity. That's all I'm aiming for."

"Ah, thank you so much for your grace, Your Majesty!" Tamie cuddled with him, impressed by his magnanimity. Happy tears gushed from her eyes. "You have no idea how much your power would help my poor country right now!"

"Not as much as your support always helped and helps me, Tamie." Shao caressed her on the head.

The monarchs' lips pressed upon each other, with the deepest affection.

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