Chapter 43: Jong and the Emperor

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Jong arrived in the palace and headed towards the room of the emperor. When he was already in front of the grand golden door, he halted and sighed.

Should I be doing this? Maybe it would be better to address Wu? 

He frowned and clenched his fist: 

No. Ming needs my help. Only the emperor can settle this. I must overcome my fears.

He mustered his courage and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Jong gulped and pushed the door open, making it creak. He peeped in. 

The room was bright and rich. His brother - the emperor - was sitting on a sofa, reading a scroll. There were a lot of other scrolls piled on a table nearby. 

Shao seemed as strict and sullen as usual. He wore his ominous black silken kimono-robe and a black satin cloak as always, as befitted his majestic "wolf god" title. Once he heard the door creak, he glanced up at it with his single blue eye and shot a stern gaze at his brother, sending shivers down his spine. He got back to his scroll and gave a quiet order:

"Come, Jong!"

Jong gulped again. He closed the door behind him and stepped forward, finally daring to approach the emperor. He stood before him and bowed deeply:

"Greetings, Your Majesty! I apologize for bothering you, but I have an important request to make. I humbly ask for your audience."

"Sit down here." 

Shao beckoned him to take a seat beside him on the sofa and put the scroll off on the table. Jong bowed again and took the seat as ordered. 

"I listen."

"I... I need to confess something to you, Your Majesty..." Jong twisted his hands with worry. "I... I have been sneaking out of the palace these last days."

A faint smile ran through the emperor's lips.

"I know."

Jong looked up at him in shock:

"You know?!"

"Nothing happens in this palace without my noticing." Shao furrowed his brow. "And then, you're not the only one to be interested in the city life. I too used to sneak out every time when I was your age."

Jong's jaw dropped - he used to do what?!

I could never imagine he was so like me in his young years... 

He was speechless - how come his cold and stern brother used to playfully sneak out of the palace in his young years? It was unbelievable!

"Was that all you needed to say?" Shao asked since Jong seemed to keep silent for long.

"Ah, no, that's just a small part of it..." Jong cast his eyes down, "In the city, I met this one girl..."

"You know I've enforced the law of nobles' marrying peasants."

"No, that's not it..." Jong blushed. He heaved a sorrowful sigh and looked up at the emperor with slight fear: "Your Majesty, I do love that girl. I've secretly been in a relationship with her without your knowledge. I apologize for that." he bowed. "But the main matter I came to discuss is that... that girl, Yi Ming, desperately needs help. Her father owns a little restaurant in the city, and she works there with him. She has no one except her father she truly loves and admires, and now... a day before, their restaurant got mysteriously robbed, and her father was unable to pay the loan to the landlord Zhong Tang today. So, the ruler of their district, Zhong Xiang, who also happens to be a cousin of this said Zhong Tang, arrested Ming's father and is going to execute him tomorrow!" Tears gathered in his eyes. "Please, Your Majesty! I cannot let Ming feel the same pain as I did, losing my parents! I... I cannot let that happen..." he sniffed, wiping his tears off. "Please, brother!"

He felt his elder brother's arm grab him and press him to his chest. He widened his eyes in shock:

H... He's... hugging me?!

"Did you tell your girl you're a prince?" Shao asked, with his arm still wrapped around him.

"N... No... I feared she might not be so open with me anymore if I told her I'm a prince."

"The execution will take place at what time tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow evening."

"Alright, then..." Shao softly kissed Jong on the head, as an older brother to the little one. "You go tomorrow and calm that girl down. Show her your support. She needs you by her side now. I will come to Zhong Xiang's prison before tomorrow evening. Meet me there."

"S... So you will help?!" Jong brightened up with hope.

Shao only chuckled and rubbed his head:

"I'd never permit myself to let my little brother down."

"Thank you so much, big brother!" Jong's eyes glimmered with joy.

Shao smiled and hit him softly on the shoulder.

"Now go, and don't worry about a thing. Leave that matter to me."

Jong sprang up and bowed down to him once more:

"You're a life-saver!"

"What of a worthless emperor I would be if I couldn't even help my little brother over such a trivial thing?" Shao grinned.

Jong laughed. He soon left the emperor's room and closed the door behind. Yet, his overjoyed heart still fluttered in his chest:

Who would ever think he was such an easy-going person? It looks like I indeed know nothing about him... Just you wait, Ming! I will not let anyone oppress you and your family... I shall stand by your side till the end!

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