Chapter 16: Departure

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Queen Yue was sitting at a table in her bedroom, sipping a cup of tea with her husband the emperor. She seemed a bit worried, with her hand trembling. She was already in her upper forties and had experienced a lot of difficulties in her life. The emperor watched her for a moment and then heaved a sigh.

"Yue, you know there is no other way. I would never_"

"It is really fine, Your Majesty," Yue answered, gulping tears.

"Stop worrying so much. He is not a little kid. He will handle it."

Wang Ru put a palm on her hand in a comforting manner. Yue faintly smiled at him, showing her love and gratitude. 

A knock sounded on the door. A maidservant came in, bowed, and reported:

"His Highness the 4th Prince has come to visit you."

The queen awoke from her thoughts and looked at the emperor. Wang Ru nodded to the servant, giving a sign to let the prince in. The servant bowed again and walked out. 

Wang Shao stepped into the room, followed by his private servant Xin Tao - the new peasant guy whom Queen Yue's and the emperor's first son Wang Wu had found in the woods seven days ago. This young man was rumoured to be one of the best horsemen and swordfighters people's eyes had ever seen. A legend had spread that he - a mysterious man found in the forest - was none other than the son of the nine-tailed fox deity. His fox tattoo on the left arm proved it, or so the peasants claimed. Other people considered him the chosen one of the red celestial dragon emperor, who had sent the boy down to earth to help Wanglongians prosper. Some other groups considered both of these stories true - as if the nine-tailed celestial fox was the mother of the child, while the red celestial dragon emperor was his benefactor. Others even claimed that it was his father. 

Once a mysterious and illogical thing happens in the area, gossips quickly spread and very soon turn into urban legends. The same was the case with Xin Tao. However, there was no doubt that his horse-riding and swordsmanship skills were beyond excellent. All of the royal family members had seen it with their very own eyes when they contemplated Xin Tao's training sessions in the yard.

Wang Shao and Xin Tao, once entered, bowed to the emperor and the 2nd queen. Xin Tao's bow was deeper and more respectful than the prince's one because the prince didn't have to demonstrate as much obedience and awe with his bow as servants did.

"I came as soon as I was informed of your call, Your Majesty," Wang Shao spoke with respect.

"Please raise your head, my son."

Shao obeyed. Tao remained bowing, looking at the ground as was the custom of the servants who had to stand before the emperor.

Such a dumb rule... Why can't he call him "father"? Ugh, these nobles...

"To be sincere, I did not call you on my behalf," the emperor said, "It was your mother's wish. She desired to bid goodbye to you before you depart."

Shao widened his eye and glanced at Queen Yue, who was desperately trying to hide her tears. He walked up to her and tenderly touched her hand.


"Please, promise me you will be alright!" Yue wiped off the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I will." Shao smiled and caressed her, trying to calm her down. "The Sorovs have no chance against me and our army."

"I cannot bear to lose you, Shao..."

"You won't, mother." He kissed her on the forehead. "I promise I'll come back. I never break my promises."

Yue stood up and embraced her son:

"I love you..."

"I love you too, mother."

I have never seen him be so soft...

Tamie watched in a stupor the usually-ruthless-and-stern 4th prince act so tender.

He truly loves his mother. He makes me remember the old days, with my brother - of how we used to hug our mother back at home. I miss them... 

Tao heaved a silent sigh so that the royal members wouldn't notice. He awoke from the thoughts once heard the queen's voice:

"Xin Tao!"

He bowed to the queen:

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Please, promise me you'll protect my son..." Yue said. Unlike other nobles, she didn't seem to be demanding but rather asking for a favour. "He will have only you by his side once he departs on the battlefields."

"I promise to protect His Highness with my life!" 

Tao fell to his knees and put his forehead on the floor. The emperor, once he saw the determination in the young man, smiled at Wang Shao:

"You've found a good servant, my son."

"I am honoured to be praised by you, Your Majesty."

There he goes again, "Your Majesty", "Your Majesty"... Call him "dad", duh!

After visiting the emperor and the queen, Wang Shao and Xin Tao left the royal bedroom and went to the yard in order to mount their horses and lead the army away. Before they would do that, though, Tao managed to have some alone time with Tiegan and Liz. He bade goodbye to them. They hugged him tightly.

"Be safe out there. It is a battlefield, after all!" Liz said.

"Yeah. Make sure not to die!" Tiegan grinned.

Tao laughed at such a joke of hers:

"Haha! I promise I won't!"

Soon, Xin Tao and Wang Shao mounted their horses and galloped away, leading the army to the far north in the battlefields. Tao asked the prince:

"Your Highness, I've always wondered - why don't you call the emperor 'father'?"

"Because he's not the one."

This brief answer brought a huge shock to Tamie - the emperor was not his father?!

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