Chapter 14: In the Hot Springs

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Wang Shao and Xin Tao arrived at the hot springs inside the palace. Tao informed the court ladies to prepare the water for the prince. They immediately fulfilled the command, and soon the soothing hot water was ready. The maidservants left the place to let the prince bathe in peace. Tao took the black bath-robe off him and he stepped into the water. He dived in and let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Taking a bath was a rather nice idea..." he said.

"So, what should I do now?" Tao asked.

"Huh? What a foolish thing to ask... I didn't bring you here to stare at me while bathing. Come on in."


"What? Am I not being clear?" Shao furrowed his brow with irritation now.

"Y... You demand me to bathe together with you, Your Highness?"

"Yeah... Why? Am I too bad for a company?"

"Ah, no, that's not it, master! How could you think of such a thing?" Tao bowed. "It's just... a servant bathing with a prince? It is so unusual..."

But in truth, he had other motives to freak out:

Does he really mean it? He wants me to bathe with him, after just five days?! I can't believe being a boy could be this amazing... Damn, bathe with the 4th prince! Ugh, if I were a girl with the same rights as Xin Tao, it would truly be a paradise! Yet, being a girl in Xin Tao's body isn't so bad either, save that His Highness perceives me rather as a servant and not a charming young woman. But who cares what he thinks of me? The main thing is that I get to be this close to him! Oh, God, please don't wake me from such a dream!

"Don't bother with that," Shao replied, "It's an order. When men are together in hot springs, they get to befriend each other more. When you travel with me in battles, you will have to enjoy other warriors' company, no matter how bad it may seem for you. Places there will be limited."

"Oh, so it is rather... to prepare me for the travels?"

"Name it how you like, just join in. I'm used to servants' enjoying the hot springs with me. That is how we warriors do. I don't think since I'm a prince you are not allowed to enjoy my company as a normal man."

Tao widened his eyes - so, basically, he said he counted him as his equal, no matter that he was a prince?

What a weird thing to say! But then again, who knows these mixed-blooded people? They have completely different views. By the way, I do like how he thinks.

"It is an honour, Your Highness."

He took off his kimono-robe and walked into the hot water, but once he dived in, his back that still hadn't recovered from the bleeding whips, stung and hurt like hell.

"Ah!" he let out a cry and winced in pain. He heard the hideous chuckle of his master. He understood what the real reason was for the 4th prince's unusual generosity. "Ugh, if only I could kill you, master..."

"Now you will remember not to be late when I call you." Shao grinned.

"You're a rather vile man..." Tao muttered through his teeth, barely able to withstand the pain.

"Well, I saw how courageously you withstood the forty whips and I figured it still wouldn't be enough, so I changed the tactics."

"A merciless strategist you are..." 

Tao was in indignation, while Shao had quite some fun watching him grimace from pain. 

"You'll learn your lesson now."

"The only lesson I've learned is to never bathe with the likes of you again!"

"Still a hardhead, eh?" Shao laughed. He then noticed Tao's fox tattoo on his left arm. "You like foxes?"

Tao started, but quickly regained his composure and answered rather sulkingly:

"Yeah. So what about it?"

"Nothing. It's just, I like wolves." Shao shrugged. "We both seem to love canines."

"At least not dogs. I hate dogs - they act like slaves. You beat them and they still lick your hands. People call that 'love'. I call that stupidity."

"You're quite hateful towards slavery, aren't you?" Shao raised an eyebrow with a faint smile. "Yet you are a slave too."

"Being a slave doesn't mean I'm satisfied with it."

"Well then, why do you love foxes? Do they symbolize something else to you?"

"Foxes can bear masks. They can transform whenever they like. It perfectly portrays how I feel. I am a slave. I smile at my superiors. But that smile is a mask. I wait for the proper moment to transform into my true self and execute my vengeance."

Shao chuckled:

"Quite a dangerous man you are, then! Should I fear you?"

Tao glanced at him, to see his wolfish eye sparkle.

"No matter how she transforms, a fox can never beat a wolf in battle..."


Tao bit his tongue:

Damn, I should watch what I'm saying!

"I mean, foxes are often portrayed as females, right? Damsels in disguise..."

"Yeah, I suppose. So, you too, think I'm a wolf?"

"Well, you said yourself that you love wolves, Your Highness."

"Loving wolves is different from being a wolf."

"Well, you are called the Wolf Prince, aren't you?" Tao now smiled too, trying to pass it as a joke. "They wouldn't have named you that in vain."

"I'm glad you think so. It makes me believe you still fear me, or else I'd start worrying."

Tao laughed:

"Why do you want people to fear you so much, master?" 

"You are not 'people'. You are a servant of mine, and, as you've said, you are a masked fox, so I must be careful with you - if I ever make a single wrong move, a smart foxy man like you shall overthrow me."

He already calls me "smart"? Hmm, I guess he can easily read people's true essence...

"To be honest, master, you are my only superior whom I'm willing to show my true face."

"Why?" Shao asked with sincere surprise - it had been just five days since they knew each other. Why would this boy want to trust him so openly?

"Because, as a wolf, you never abandon your comrades."

Shao blinked in stupefaction - was what he said now simple flattery, or was he being sincere? The boy's mysterious brown eyes twinkled with some deep feelings he couldn't understand.

This guy is different from what I've ever seen...

"You are the only one who has ever interpreted my alias 'Wolf Prince' in such a manner."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that I'm not like everyone else."

Seeing Tao's proud smirk, Shao shook his head and softly hit him on the shoulder in a friendly manner. They laughed together. Tao understood the prince was right - when together in hot springs, boys did seem to befriend each other more.

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