Chapter Eight: Love?

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Picture of Erin>>


When we showed up three and a half hours later, all smiley and bubbly, they knew something was up. And, when I got back to my room and I peeled my clothes off to take a shower, I blushed when you could clearly smell sex.

“You and Chris did it?!” screeched Phoebe.

I blushed as Scarlett said, “Congrats! Now I’m not the only one here who isn’t virgin.”

“Well, I still am,” I said, blushing even more. “We didn’t actually we have sex.”

“He just ate you out?” Scarlett said.

“SCARLETT!” Erin shouted, and I blushed before nodding. This just made everyone laugh, and Erin asked, “What’d you do for him? I mean, getting eaten out doesn’t come free, does it?”

I elbowed her before saying, “I gave him a blowjob.”

“THAT A GIRL!” laughed Scarlett. “Now, get in the shower and wash that scent off you before you tell us everything.”

“Ok,” I said, still blushing as I walked into the shower and jumped in.

As soon as I got out and got into my pajamas, we circled around on the floor and they begged me for details. “Where were you guys?”

“In the woods,” I said, blushing. “There’s an abandoned cabin out there, and it was really romantic. The cabin was empty, and some of the sides of the walls were broken down, so you could see the trees and feel the air coming in. The couch was soft, too.”

“Classy,” Phoebe snorted, and this made us all laugh.

“I really think he likes me though,” I said, blushing. “While he was taking my clothes off, he told me, ‘You’re so beautiful, Taylor’. And, it shows that he really likes me since normally a guy would say ‘sexy’ or something else like that.”

“That’s so romantic!” Scarlett said, grinning. “None of the guys I’ve ever been with has said that to me while we were intimate. He must really feel strongly about you.”

“Is it going to fast?” I asked. “I mean, we’ve only known each other for two weeks, and I already feel so connected to him.”

“It works like that sometimes,” Scarlett said, since she was really the only person who had any experience with what I was going through. “Sometimes when you’re with a guy, you don’t know you like each other so strongly until a month. Sometimes, I’ve known within the first week.”

I sighed before saying, “I actually think I love him, and I know that sounds so cliché and irrational, but I feel so close to him. He seems to get me, as well as honestly care about me. I get to joke around him, and I feel like he’s not only my boyfriend, but also one of my best friends. I feel like if he picked up and left… a part of me would go with him.”

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