Chapter 4

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Lexi's P.O.V

We walked into Ryder's house and the smell of Cinnamon buns filled my nostrils. My stomach growled loudly, Ryder laughed which made my cheeks go bright red. "My mom likes to bake, a lot" Ryder whispered into my ear before grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen Ryder let go of my hand and walked over to his mother who was cutting the cinnamon dough into rolls, he kissed her cheek " hey mamma, you know lexi from next door right?" he asked walking to his fridge. She looked over at me before a huge smile spreading across her face " Hello dear its nice to finally meet you" she smiled big which made me smile too. "Ryder sweetie is this the Lexi that you are always talki-" she was cut off by Ryder placing a hand over her mouth. "Shes kinda crazy in the head so she doesn't know what shes saying" Ryders mother rolled her eyes."Did you just bite me" Ryder asked pulling his hand away from his mothers mouth. I busted out laughing "hey a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do, am i right Lexi" she asked, i laughed while nodding my head. "Okay that's enough mom time lets go upstairs" Ryder said grabbing 2 cinnamon buns. " It was nice to meet you" i smiled politely at Ryders mother. " You to dear!" she said while continues to work on the rolls. I followed Ryder up into his room, when we got there Ryder sat on his bed and handed me a Cinnamon roll, i mumbled i quick thanks before sitting on his desk chair. I took a bite " holy shit this is amazing" i said taking another bite. Ryder laughed before eating his, " So you can have the bed and ill sleep on the floor" Ryder said before getting up and heading towards his dresser."Its okay ill sleep on the floor, yo can have your bed" Ryder through me a pair of sweat pants and a sweater. "You are sleeping on the bed Lexi and get changed" Ryder said while leaving the room. I quickly got changed before he came back, i sat down on his bed suddenly feeling awkward. A couple minutes later Ryder walked in wearing a different pair of sweatpants, he was carrying some blankets and pillows. "You look cute in my clothes" Ryder smirked while making his bed, i blushed while laying down and pulling the covers over my body. Ryder turned off the light and lay in his bed, "good night gorgeous" ryder said before yawning. "Good night" i said rolling over and fell asleep.


"NO! don't touch her!" i jolted awake looking for the source of the scream. I looked down to see Ryder tossing and turning in his sleep, a frown etched onto his face, and sweat on his forehead. I got out of the bed and knelt down next to him, "Ryder" i slightly shook him. Seconds later i was pinned to the ground with an angry Ryder above me, my breath hitched as i watched realization hit him. "Oh shit Lexi I'm sorry" he said getting off my and helping me stand up. "its okay" i mumbled, sitting down on the bed still a little shaking up. The bed dipped beside me as Ryder sat down, " what was your nightmare about" i asked curiously, Ryder thought for a moment before shaking his head "nothing". I decided not to pry because it wasn't any of my business. " you should get back to bed there's still a few more hours before we have to get up" i nodded while he got off the bed." You could um sleep here too. If you wanted" i said sounded slightly unsure of myself. Ryder didn't say anything as he lay beside me, i lay down beside my back turned towards him. I wasn't tired anymore, i lay there for a while silently wishing Ryder would say something even though he was sleeping. " Lexi are you still awake" Ryder questioned. "Y-yes" i stuttered, good frigging job Lexi keep making a fool of yourself. "good" i felt Ryder sit up and my body was moved so i was straddling his waist. I was slightly shocked because he would have to be pretty strong to lift my up like that, due to the fact that I'm not really the smallest grape on the vine. Ryder put both of his hands on my cheeks and pressed his slightly chapped lips to mine. I kissed back immediately, my hands going to his hair and running my fingers through it. Ryder broke this kiss minutes later, out of breath. "Alexis Woodley will you please be my girlfriend?" Ryder asked hope in his eyes. My breath hitched for the second time, "Ryder i cant.." i trialled off. "Why not" disappointment clear on his face. I slowly got off his lap before sitting on the bed "Ive seen you play all those girls Ryder, I cant put my self through that, i cant let you use me and then just toss me to the side like all those other girls." i said getting off the bed. Ryder grabbed my wrist "Lexi you aren't like those girls, I never had feelings for them like i have feelings for you. Please just give me one chance i promise you i wont blow it." I sighed before thinking of the pros and cons in my head,"One chance" i said with a smile. Ryder pulled me back down onto the bed and covered our body's with a blanket. I felt my eye lids finally become heavy before darkness took over.

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