Chapter 5

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Ryder's P.O.V 

I woke up with Lexi laying in my arm, I smiled to myself before slowly getting out of bed and grabbing my phone. I looked at the time to see that it was 8:00 AM, "Lexi" I screamed just to scare her, she immediately jumped up and looked around the room frantically. I stood there laughing my ass off at her,"Asshole" she muttered under her breath. " Its like 8:00" i informed her, her eyes widened "I'll be ready in 20" she announced before running out of my room. I looked out my window to see her running into her front door, grabbing jeans and a hoodie I made my way to my bathroom to shower. 

Lexi's P.O.V 

I quickly made my way to my bedroom and headed towards my closet. I looked around for something to wear, looking outside the window i noticed it looked like it was going to rain. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and changed out of Ryder's sweatpants. Searching everywhere i realized my mom must have took all my sweaters and watched them, of course. Ryder wouldn't mind if I borrowed his sweater, right? I decided to take my chances and kept the sweater on and headed to the bathroom to tame the rats nest i call hair. 15 minutes later i was done with my hair, i grabbed my bag, phone, and some money for lunch before headed out the door. I locked it and headed towards Ryder's truck seeing him sitting in the drivers seat. Opening the door i jumped in and slid over to the middle, buckling my seat belt. "Well don't you look all warm and fuzzy in my sweater" Ryder smirked before pulling out of his driveway. "Warm and fuzzy?" i questioned while laughing. Ryder rolled his eyes before slinging his arm around my shoulders. We arrived at school 15 minutes before it started, Ryder parked and turned his head before crashing his lips against mine. I kissed back because who wouldn't, I opened my eyes slightly to see my brother outside Ryders window, his fist clenched and eyebrows furrowed. I pulled away and kept my eyes focused on my brother, He was furious. I watched as he walked to my side, he ripped open the door, and clasped his fingers around my arm practically dragging me out of the truck. I sent Ryder a gaze signally him to stay behind, he obeyed as i was drug into school and too my locker. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT DOUCHE BAG!" he screamed at me while i undid my locker. I sent him a glare " First off hes not a douche bag, secondly hes my boyfriend" I was interrupted "wait boyfriend?" my brother looked even more furious if that was even possible. Just as i was about to say something his girlfriend shot me a icy glare before grabbing my brother and taking him away. I let out a deep sigh before putting my bag into my locker and grabbing my first period books. Arms were wrapped around my waist and a chin placed on my shoulder, I locked my locker not paying attention to him. I turned around to be faced with Harry the guy from the abandoned building. I harshly pushed him away from me, I looked around to see Ryder down the hall talking to someone, he must have not noticed Harry standing here."Ryder" i slightly shouted attempting to get his attention, his head shot up, instead of looking at me his eyes roamed over to Harry. Not even a minute later he was by my side and sending death glares towards Harry. "What are you doing here?" Ryder asked Harry in disgust." Ohh nothing just coming to pay this mesmerizing lady a visit" he spoke while sending Ryder a dimpled smile. Ryder tightly wrapped an arm around my waist, "I don't want to see you" I harshly spat out at him, He put i hand on his heart dramatically."It's a good thing i wasn't really here to see you anyway" He said turning towards Ryder, "we've got some unfinished business to go over" Ryder rolled his eyes before turning towards be and giving a quick peck on my cheek."I'll see you at lunch?" Ryder asked, I turned my gaze to Harry who was now standing behind Ryder with his Cheeky smile, "Uh yeah sure" with that i brushed passed Ryder and made my way to first period. 

Ryder's P.O.V 

"Was there really i need to come to my school" i glared at the ass wipe walking beside me as we walked out of the school." You weren't answering my calls so yes." I rolled my eyes as we got to my truck. "Here" I said reaching into the glove department and grabbing the stack of cash. Harry took it and stuck it into his sweater pocket. With out any words spoken i locked my truck and headed back into the school, Harry walking to where ever he was going. I reached 1st period just as the late bell rang, not bothering to stop by my locker and grab stuff for class. I made me way to the back of the class room and sat in an empty seat. I quickly scanned over the class, my eyes stopped as i saw a familiar brown hair girl sitting in the front row directly in front of the chalk board. 

Lexi's P.O.V 

I tapped my pencil impatiently waiting for the bell to ring indicating it was lunch. I could hear my stomach growling bagging me to feed it, probably because i didn't eat yesterday unless you count the cinnamon bun and i haven't ate today. The loud school bell rang in my ears as i shot out of my seat and collected my belongings darting towards my locker. i quickly did my combination and put my books away, grabbing my bag in the process. I speed walked towards the cafeteria and straight to the line, Praise the Lord it is Pizza day. When i made it to the check out my tray was full including, pizza, chips, an apple, and a water. " Your total is $7.50" the lunch lady spoke almost robotic-ally, i grabbed money out of my bag and handed it to her. She gave me my change and i turned to look at the crowded cafeteria, this was always a hard decision on where to sit, because you know no one wanted to sit with me.. Well i guess its the library again, just like last year. Last year i spent every lunch and free period in the library, managing to escape any embarrassment that would come from not having anyone to sit with a lunch. I put my Chips, apple, and water into my bag and carried my pizza as i headed towards the exit. I kept my head down as i maneuvered my way threw the crowded area and finally made it to the exit. As i was just about to leave and arm grabbed my waist, "You weren't about to stand me up" a play full voice whispered in my ear. I turned towards Ryder to see a beautiful smile plastered on his face. " I uh didn't see you anywhere so i was going to go sit in the library" i trailed on. "Come sit with me?" Ryder asked but sounded more so as a soft demeaned. I nodded my head and let him led me by my hand towards a table where i saw three guys sitting. I remembered seeing Ryder with two of these guys but the third one was unfamiliar. "Lexi this is Kye" Ryder pointed towards a boy with longer light brown hair, and brown eyes, I've seen him before. I gave him a small smile feeling a little shy "This is Judd" Ryder said pointing towards a boy with Shorter dark brown hair and brown eyes, I remember my brother talking about how Judd was Ryders best friend. I smiled at him before Ryder turned to the guy i have not seen before "This is Brooks, hes new this year" i slightly studied his features, he was really hot not as hot as Ryder but damn was he up there, he had bright blue eyes and Light brown hair swiped into a quiff.

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