Chapter 7

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Hey:) I strongly suggest listening to Say Something By A great big world, while reading :)

Lexi's P.O.V 

I jolted awake, my head pounding and yesterday's event rushing throughout my brain. I looked around at my surroundings to see my bedroom. My eyebrows furrowed as I slowly got out of my bed, and then it hit me, like a blow to the face. Ryder, gun shot, he's gone, I dropped down to my knees with a hard thud, I heard my bedroom door open not bothering to look, to busy being in hysterics. "Come here Lexi" I turned to see my mother sitting on my bed, i lay down resting my head on her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair, which always managed to calm me down, you see me and my mother have more of a best friend relationship then a mother daughter one. I am able to tell her anything and she well be there for me, she well be my best friend when and i need it and my mother when i need it. "mom hes gone" I felt the tears coming harder. "Here" she said sitting me up and handing me a envelope. I gave her a puzzled look as she kissed my fore head and excited my room. ~ Alexis~ the envelope read, I quickly opened it to find a folded piece of lined paper, also something drop to the floor. Bending down i discovered a ring, with Ryder's name in graved into it. What kind of sick joke is this? I unfolded the letter and began reading 

Dear Lexi,

Hey baby, so by the time you re reading this i'll be long gone, no not in the way you think. I am very much so alive, I have thought long and hard about what I'm about to tell you. I'm not safe to be around Lex, I cause drama and shit you could have died today. 

I stopped myself from reading, wiping the tears from under my eyes before continuing. 

You're going to be pissed at me but i'm taking my mother and were leaving. Dont bother trying to look for me okay? I want you to know that no matter what happens in your life i well always love you. Alexis I have loved you since the day you wrote me that note 5 years ago. I need you to do something for me okay? I need you go out and explore life, I need you to have less worries, stop worrying so much about your grades. As much as this pains me to say i need you to go fall in love, I need you go find a guy and be happy. I want you to make sure this guy treats you better then i have. 

I shake my head slightly at the letter, "No" i mumble to myself.

Can you promise me that? I love you with everything I got and I would be selfish to stay with you and put you in danger. 


I dropped the note and stood up running down the stairs. I swung open my front door and bolted towards Ryder's. FOR SALE, bold letters read on the front door. I banged my fists against the door repeatedly "Ryder open the door" I screamed not caring who saw me. I fell to my knees when realization hit me that this wasn't some sick joke, this is reality. He is gone, if my heart didn't brake from that letter it a surly shattered now into a million tiny pieces. 

~ One week later~

I miserably made my way towards my locker, keeping my head down. My mom has let me stay home for the past couple days, but she finally put her foot down and said the tears had to stop. I slowly did my combination and put my stuff away. I felt a presence standing beside me and when i looked up i saw Judd. I felt the pools of tears form in my eyes as i looked at him. " I was half hoping half needing you to be Ryder" i sighed. Judd stayed silent as he wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me in for a hug. I slightly sobbed into his chest as he held me, before i was rudely interrupted by some snide comments. "Ryders not even gone for a month and you've already moved on to his Best friend" I turned to see one of the girls from the bathroom. "Cough Cough slut" another one said making the group of hoe bags erupt in laughter. Something just sorta snapped in me i was done taking shit from people, letting them walk all over me like I was garbage. "You know what honey? I really don't give a flying fuck what you have to stay" i spat out at them. "Oh get over your self! You weren't even with Ryder for two days and you ran him off" one chuckled making the other girls laugh along with her. "Longer then any of you" i smirked hearing Judd and Kye burst out laughing behind me. With that the head bitch slapped me straight across the face. My eyes narrowed at her before i practically lounged at her, tackling her to the ground. I straddled her stomach and repeatedly punched her in the face. No one tried to stop me, everyone just watched, shocked. Eventually Judd and Kye swiftly pulled me off of her and walked me to the girls bathroom. " They would have called the principal if we didn't get you away from them" Kye chuckled. "I'm going to get cleaned up, ill see you guys later" i said walking into the bathroom. After i managed to get the blood off of my knuckles i walked out of the bathroom. Bumping into someone in the process "shit sorry" they mumbled before quickly turning and walking the other way. That voice, where have i heard it before? "Ryder" i whispered, chasing after him. I followed him into a quite hallway with only a few people. I quickly caught up to him a pushed him towards a wall. He turned towards me, pulling his black hood down with wide eyes."Who do you think you are?" i basically screamed at him. "Lexi" he sighed, I pushed him again. "You don't get to make the decision that you re to "dangerous". I said putting air quotes at the word dangerous. "I am though" His voice equally loud. "God dammit why cant you see that you will end up either hurt or dead and i wouldn't be able to live with my self if i was the reason for it." He lowered his voice and ran a hand threw his hair. "Well new flash Ryder you re hurting me by leaving" I pushed him again out of frustration. He grabbed onto my wrists gently "Good bye Lexi" with that he kissed my forehead and walked away, as i stood in pure shock.

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