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   Days passed and Leslie still recalls the vast happiness they shared on that astonishing night. She replayed the feelings, the confessions and most of all, the kiss. She couldn't get it off her mind. All she knew is, it was amazing.

   What's unusual is, she didn't anymore recieve text messages and he isn't visiting her too. She always placed her phone beside her waiting for Adrian to communicate, but with no success.

   Everyday, she tries to look out in her window and look for signs of him in their house but, it's still the same thing... She failed.

   There's a terrible feeling, ringing inside her that she couldn't explain. She wanted to know what's goung on.

   She approached one of Adrian's close friend named Kurt, and asked. " Kurt, do you have any idea where Adrian is? Have you seen him or talked to him?"

   Kurt listened to her.

   Leslie continued, " Did he change his number or answer any of your text messages? I'm just worried. He doesn't answer my calls and texts. He doesn't even pay me visit anymore."

   Kurt stared at her for a moment and looked away. " Uhh.. " He arranged his thoughts hoping to go the right way.

   When he was certain, he said. " Look Les, I don't wan't to hurt you, but..." Leslie looked at him eager to listen. "You deserve the truth."

   Leslie was unsure whether this is  good or bad news. Whatever it is, she knew ... It could be worse.

    " Truth?! What is this all about?!" She said , her voice shaking.

    Kurt sighed. " Adrian's in... France. He'll continue his studies there. I'm sorry Les, I thought he informed you about it."

    Leslie forced a laugh. " You're lying aren't you? Or if this isn't a lie then it's a joke right?"

    Kurt looked down and didn't respond.

    "Right?" Leslie bit her lips.

    "No Les, it is the truth."

    What he said was almost impossible for Leslie to digest. She did not understand. The only thing she's certain is, she felt pain.

     "...ahh, w--why s-so s-sudden?"

She asked Kurt. He noticed the moist in her eyes.

     "When is he coming back?" Leslie asked, tears stinging her eyes.

     Kurt shook his head. " I really don't know, I'm sorry..."

     Leslie placed her hands into her face, tears are flooding her cheeks.

"Why didn't anyone think I had the right to know? Why didn't he told me ahead?"

    " Because everybody knew, you'll greatly be affected." He told Leslie softly patting her back..

   " It hurts to know that he left without even telling me. But you know what hurts more, Kurt?" She said, her voice breaking. "That's the possibility he wouldn't come back!"

   Kurt brought her in his arms and comforted her.

   Leslie cried hard not minding how she looks like. She couldn't stop her tears. She felt betrayal. The happiness and trust she felt suddenly unraveled. She doesn't know what to do or where to go.

   " I thought it was going to last . But now with a blink of an eye, everything disappeared. Everything went black .." Leslie weeped.

   There are a lot of questions in her mind, she needed an explanation. She needed him... his company... his LOVE...

   Kurt held the hand of Leslie.

" Hey, I know it hurts. But as a friend, I wan't you to remember that love isn't just about being happy together. Sometimes, it's more of unselfishness and letting go."

   Then with a jiffy, she realized that no matter how hard, life must go on...

    She may be hurt by what he did, yet he has reasons. She knew that someday, the questions in her mind will be answered and somehow she will understand..


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