Dancing In The Rain

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     Days went on.. They're seeing each other sharing thoughts, problems and anything under the sun.
     "Little mouse!" Adrian called out.
     "Hey, lazy cat! What are you doing here?"
     "I want to pick you up."He volunteered.
     "Don't you have classes today?" Leslie inquired.
     "Only in the morning. Why, don't you want my presence?" Adrian pout(yeah, seriously).
     "Ohh please, of course I do. I am just asking. I thought you are busy."
     "I know you couldn't resist my presence." He teased. "Let's stop by the Coffee Shop little mouse, my treat."
      Leslie was left with nothing to say on how Adrian asumes. "If you say so."
     She wore her backpack and got hold of her envelope in the right hand, while holding a paperbag on the left. 
     Adrian knew she was struggling."Come, give that envelope and paperbag to me."

     "No thanks, it's alright. I can manage." She said politely.

      Adrian insisted. " A little mouse can't manage carrying heavy things. Allow me, please?"
      "Okay then. Now the lazy cat feels responsible. I like that!" Leslie handed her things to him.
      "If I am not around, no one can carry this things for you. You should thank me."
      Leslie grinned. "Alright,Thaaaank you!"
      Adrian roared with laughter. " That's what I'm talking about."


      "How's class today?" Adrian asked her while mixing his cream coffee.
      "Fine. Math's a stress you know!"
     "I hate Math too. It makes my nose bleed. Everytime my teacher writes equations on the board, I really feel dizzy or everything seems to be just numbers floating."
      Leslie took a sip of her coffee.  " Really? A sudden dyslexia? "

      He confirmed. "Believe it or not."
     "But thanks for this treat. Someday you'll get a payback.
     "Naah, I don't wish for any payback. Being your friend is enough."
     "Hahah. Now, how's school?"
Leslie asked since she and Adrian are studying in different schools. Leslie attends to a public school, while Adrian attends to a private one.
      "Nothing signifant, just an ordinary school day."
    "Oh, before I forgot. Anna said 'Thank You'  for the chocolates you sent her yesterday. She was really glad that she squealed out loud."
    " You're welcome. She seems like she has never tasted one, hahaha. No offense." He muttered honestly.
       Leslie laughed at the idea. " She has of course, but I think it was 4 months ago."
      "So,that explains it. Why?"
      "Even though she craves for it, I don't really buy her one. I'm worried for her teeth."
    Adrian reminded her." You should buy her, atleast thrice a month. We've been through that stage before and it's never easy not getting what  we want."
     "I'll think about that." She said promising.
    "Besides, it can sharpen the memory of a child and makes her remember things easily. That's in our science class."
    " You are surely a science wizard."
    " You can't blame me! It has been my favorite for seven years!"

    When they finished their coffee, Adrian paid for the bill and headed straight for the door.
   "Do you have an umbrella inside your bag, little mouse?"Adrian asked."We're still far from home and it seems like the weather's not that good."
   Eventhough Adrian wanted to take a ride home, Leslie chose to have a walk , leaving him with no other choice.
   "We'll reach there on time." She convinced him.
    Adrian thought negatively. "And what if we don't? We'll both get wet."
   "So what?!"
    With a tone of concern, he said."You'll get sick, I don't want you to feel weak."
   And... it was already drizzling but Leslie remained calm. She  just enjoyed the little drops of rain pouring against her face.
    " Leslie, we need to stop." She ordered.
   Leslie pulled his hand."Come on, it's one of the most wonderful things to cherish. These are blessings!"
      Adrian was taken away. For a moment he felt astonished with the sound of their breath and the blare of the rain. She was right. It is indeed wonderful.
     "I'm willing to get wet!" She exclaimed.
     "Me too."He nodded.
    Together they danced in the rain, shouting for joy. Adrian held her hands, spinned her twice. Repeated it again and again, splashing water at each other. He wiped some raindrops off Leslie's face, as she did to his.
     To their satisfaction, they embraced each other.
      " Thank you for being my friend and for being around."

    Thoughtful, Adrian said. " Thank you...for letting me appreciate the rain. "

    A/N: Do you like the rain scene? Well...me too^^. Thanks for reading wattbuddies! :) Lovelots!

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