A Surprise for Someone Special

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   "Hello?" Leslie answered her phone and found Adrian on the line. She was glad he called her.

   "Les, where are you?"

   " In the classroom still. My afternoon class just ended. Why?"

   " I need to see you. It's very urgent!" He exclaimed.

    When Leslie heard his reply, she was troubled. "Where are you, Adrian?"

    "Meet me in the park."

    "Okay... I'll be there."

    Adrian suddenly hunged up. Leslie felt nervous. She don't know why, but she thought something negative is happening.

   She immediately packed her belongings and motioned for the door. "Cess, I need to go. Sorry if I can't sweep today. I'll make it up to you next time. "

    "Okay , no problem. Take care Les!" Ces waved her goodbye.


    Since it was a small neighborhood, Leslie walked as fast as she could to reach the park. Something is bothering her. She really felt the urgency in Adrian's voice.

   "What could it be?" She talked to herself and tightened her grip of her paperbag.

   As she was approaching the park, her heartbeat went faster... and faster. She thought it could be worse.

    "Leslie!!!" Someone shouted in a loud voice. She couldn't recognize who's tone it was so she traced where it came from.

    She took a closer look. " Leslie!!!" It came from a woman. Someone she doesn't know.

    "Me?" She inquired just to be certain.

     "Yes you!" The woman shouted.

    Leslie stared at her. She could tell that the woman shouting at her, is a street sweeper. By the uniform she wears, the broom and dustpan she was holding, it isn't that hard to distiguish. But how come, she knows her? It was a question left unanswered.

    Leslie approached the woman. "Excuse me , ma'am? Why are you yelling my name?"

    The woman smiled. " You are looking for someone, aren't you? "

    Leslie instantly went back to her senses. "Adrian!"

    " He left me this. He said , I should give it to someone in a uniform with a paperbag on the left hand and an envelope on the right." She cleared her throat. " I asked what's your name, he told me it's Leslie."

    Leslie reached out to the little pink envelope handed to her by the woman.

    "He said that once you have it, open it immediately."

    She thanked the woman, "Thank you, ma'am! God bless you!"

    The woman smiled at her as she left. Then, she opened the little envelope...

    It said, "Proceed to the fountain"

    "Is this some kind of crazy joke?!" Leslie asked herself irritated. "He said it was urgent!"

    She wants to find Adrian by herself as soon as possible. Yet, a voice was saying that she MUST follow what the envelope says.

    Without wasting any other second, she walked her way down the fountain in the center of the park.

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