Doubts And Weaknesses

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   Days passed... Leslie and Adrian enjoyed different kinds of stuff together which made their bond even stronger.

   February 14 is one of the most important days of the year for Adrian as well as to anybody. He thought of making it special for Leslie--something she couldn't forget.

   " Ma, I need your help." Adrian said to his mom while sitting beside her. "I know you're good at this."

    " What kind of help, my dear?"

    "Something so important. I want someone to feel special on  Valentines, yet I don't know how. I have ideas but , I'm not so sure."

     " Ohh, who's this special someone? Do I know her?" Tita Helen looked at him very curious.

     Adrian looked down, deciding whether or not to hell her the truth.

     "You look as if I know this person." His mother studied him. " Am I right? You don't have to hide it from me, Adrian.You can trust me."

     "Its... Leslie."

     " I knew it!"

     " Any plans?"

     "Just be yourself." His mother adviced him.

     Adrian was shocked at the little piece of advice. " That's it?! "

     His mother exclaimed," Of course! You have been friends through good and bad, remember that Adrian. All those times with her, you are true to yourself. She appreciated you because you never pretended to be another person ."

    "How can you say that?"

    "I'm a girl, I have been through a lot of things like that. Remember that your father and I started as friends too... I know the feeling." She smiled at him."You two are the sweetest friends in the neighborhood. Much more than how your father and I used to be ."

    "I wanted to make her happy before anything else, Ma.I badly wanted her to remember me no matter what. But what I'm afraid is she'll remember me, because I'll hurt her." Adrian expressed.

    She faced him and held his hand.

"It may be hard yet you should face it.We're here to support you. Tell her what she deserves to know. "

     " She will have a hard time to understand."

     "She may have a hard time but I know, she WILL understand. That's what friends are for."

      She continued." One more thing, think of what's inside your heart first. It's the best thing to cherish... Don't mind the next days to come."

       Adrian sighed, "Does this mean, giving me more time to settle this?"

       She nodded. " But only 'til the 15th, I guess. Your grandma wouldn't like waiting for long."

      Tears were forming on Adrian's eyes. He looked down. "I wish.." The tears were already tracing his cheeks. " I just wish I could stay. "

     Feeling so weak, he added." She deserves to be happy."

     His mother answered, " Believe in what your heart shouts. With it, you can overcome anything. Hold on  and make it your strength!"

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