In my arms

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A.N: IMPORTANT!!! This story is based off these two images (images above), I DO NOT OWN AND I DID NOT MAKE THEM, CREDITS TO- Chaos741993 on Tumblr. if the images aren't working for you I advise googling the creator (Chaos741993) its a beautiful piece of fanart and needs more love. If you still can't find it it's basically a drawing of tony and Peter when Peter first met him as a nine-year-old, and another drawing of Peter in his spiderman suit hugging Tony. Italics mean flashback/in the past.

Contains infinity war spoilers! (I'm sure everyone knows what happened at this point)

Tony Stark was not a man who often showed physical affection, he was seen as cold, sometimes uncaring but the people closest to him, especially this particular person- knew that was farthest from the truth.

The first time Tony met Peter he was confused at the warmth spreading in his heart. He had put off his desperate need to save peter at the stark expo due to his innocence. 

Peter stood bravely, even at that young age, alone in the corridor. The killer robot about to shoot uncaring that he was a  child. Taking courage from the plastic Ironman mask on his head, he had his arm out in Ironman's signature blasting position.

If this was in a different situation, Tony would be touched and even proud of how his influence helped the boy become braver. This time, a pit of anxiousness and worry grew for the boy he never knew. He was mentally cursing the way his influence made the child throw himself into this situation.

The robot was destroyed by a simple blast and Tony almost sighed in relief. The child was safe. Little did he know how much impact saving this particular child would have on his life. With the worry cast away, Tony took Peter in his arms for the first time.  

"Mr. Stark?" Peter whispered plastic mask pushed upwards to stare at his hero as Tony held the shocked little boy. Tony had slid his faceplate up and couldn't help smiling at the pure admiration in the child's wide eyes. When he stared into those sparkling chocolate brown eyes he knew he would never forgive himself if this innocent child had died. It would have been all his fault, and frankly, he couldn't handle that. 

That was, in fact, the very first time Tony saw Peter. And shockingly, it was nowhere near the last. Tony soon became his mentor and father figure which led to countless adventures and moments between the two, good and bad. One of those good moments was when Peter successfully completed an update to his suit without help. It was a month since the vulture incident and the fake internship turned into a real one, where Tony invited Peter to the lab on Thursday.

Eyes shining and still in his Spiderman suit, Peter bounded out of the trial room. Tony gave a small chuckle, hands in the pockets of his sleek black suit, at Peters resemblance to an excited puppy. What he certainly did not expect was peter to almost tackle him with a hug- which, knowing Peter, he should have expected anyway.

Tony looked down at Peter -who was short enough to have to look up- with a startled expression. He stared into the same doe eyes that he looked into all those years ago. He could not understand how they were still filled with as much, if not, even more, admiration than when he first met him. He thought that once Peter got to know him he would hate him. Hate the fact that his childhood hero wasn't the same person he thought he was. But in fact, the opposite happened. 

As he held peter in his arms, Tony noticed something else in his eyes, stronger then admiration, but couldn't quite place it. He had said this to Peter once but he knew for certain now, if anything happens to this kid- his kid- he would never forgive himself.

Now Tony held Peter in his arms again, looking up, Peters usually bright eyes were filled with fear and sadness. Tony physically felt the remnants of his ice cold heat shatter. Tony tightened his grip on Peter mumbling soothing words that even he didn't believe. 

That caught Peters attention, as he looked up, his face flickered until he changed his expression. His eyes still held that unexplainable admiration, but now it held more of that strange emotion Tony couldn't place earlier. The tears streaming down his face and the stab wound in his abdomen weren't felt by tony. He had caught his breath and the world seemed to freeze as he realised that that emotion was love.

Then Peter crumbled to dust in his arms.

This was the last time Tony held Peter in his arms. He collapsed on Titans red sand and he knew that he was not okay. He also knew he didn't forgive himself. And he knew he never would.

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