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This is short but I hope you like it! Requested by  @jujufox6_XoXo jujufox6_X0X0

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Came the steady beat of the music. Tony Stark weaved his way around all the people at the party. God! they're like animals! Thought Tony as he slipped past a still talking man.

 The reason for his sudden dislike of parties was the seven-year-old boy perched on his shoulders. Peter's small hands gripped his hair as he let out a small whimper, and Tony regretted ever coming. Important or not the damn business people could wait! His only relief was that the deal was over and he was currently heading to the exit, to do what he should have been doing this entire time. Watching movies with his son. Beating himself up internally, externally Tony was staring down everyone that looked like they wanted to talk to him or distract him from his main goal- getting out of here. At least twenty people had wisely retreated, and to the few that still came to talk to him, got a sarcastic smile before they were ignored.

 Currently glaring down a waiter headed towards him, one of his hands reached up and stroked Peter's brown curls. Peters' head was now resting on his and he was much happier now that he realised they were leaving. 

A few seconds later a girl in a sparkly red dress that showed too much leg walked up to Tony, ignoring his glare. Trying to sweet talk him! The nerve of that girl! Due to the child on his back, that was now sitting up- he did not threaten, kill, shove, or yell at the girl. And all of that he was thinking of doing due to the fact that he told her he's not interested and that he's married. Taking a deep breath so he doesn't cause a scene as the girl grew closer to him. Suddenly, "BEGONE THOT!" Came a yell that made everyone around them silent and now looking at them. Tony looked up to see an extremely smug Peter as the girl flushed red in embarrassment and backed away. Laughing and asking where Peter learnt that, Tony finally walked out, and away from the party.

Yay double update!!!! Anyway, I promise I have longer chapters coming up, I'm trying to do it as fast as I can and CANNOT BELIEVE WE REACHED 1.8K!!!!! THANKS!!!!

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