Nightmares of the past

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This was requested by the amazing   

Peter had been living with Tony for three years now, and the 15-year-old was a little ball of joy. After the entire mess with the accords, the fugitive avengers were living at the tower. Currently, Peter was tossing and turning in his heavenly soft bed. FRIDAY suddenly spoke, startling the teen off the bed. "Boss appears to be in distress, I advise you to go and comfort him."  Muttering in agreement, Peter basically ran to Tony's room.

He entered to see his dad thrashing around. He crawled under the covers and cuddled him like he did when he himself had a nightmare. Tony woke up gasping and looked at the floofy hair tickling his neck. "Peter??" he questioned. "It's me... do you wanna talk about it?" Peter replied, with a worried tone to his voice. Shaking his head as if throwing the idea out, he simply muttered: "It's nothin' kid. just some stuff about lespig."

Peter had been getting clues for over six months and finally, it all snapped into place. With a loud gasp, Peter sprung up from the bed and ran out into the living room. Tony's surprised exclamations were ignored. 

"FRIDAY pull up injuries and damages for the last battle of the civil war, the one he never told me about," Peter whispered, hoping it wasn't true. Without replying, FRIDAY pulled up graphs, diagrams and photos above the glass coffee table. A short scream escaped his lips, which unknowingly woke the two superhumans downstairs. 

Above the coffee table was an image of Tony's suit, Heavily damaged and with Captain America's shield still stuck in the arc reactor. Peter Parker-Stark, the most innocent cinnamon roll ever, was angry, no, he was livid. The elevator dinged and out came Steve Rodgers himself, tailed by a groggy Bucky Barnes. Swinging around Peter glared at them with everything inside of him, the sight made them reel back. 

Once Steve saw what was on the coffee table he went pale. "Listen, Peter, I'm sorry-" Steve began, but was cut off by Bucky whispering into his ear." that was a good shot though," Peter heard it with his superhearing and saw red. He took several steps towards Steve, and in a flash, Captain America was on the floor, clutching his now broken jaw. " OH, MY GOD! STEVE!!!!" Bucky screeched before falling to the floor to help his friend.

Tony who was in the corridor watching, rushed over and dragged the crying Peter into his room. Not before the rest of the Avengers came in jaws dropped, and eyes wide.

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