Airport fight

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This was a long-forgotten draft- unconnected to any previous, I have since abandoned this story but decided to publish all my unfinished drafts before deleting the account. If anyone wants to use any part of this story or finish any chapters you're free to do so, thanks for enjoying my childish rambles and for all the support, goodbye.

"AAAH!" was a screech Peter let out as he dodged a piece of flying rubble. He was swinging around the airport fighting THE Avengers. But it didn't seem as easy when ant-man turned to giant-man. There were various sounds of battle as Spiderman perched on top of the airport to catch his breath. "Karen, where am I needed mo-" He began, breathless, he stopped as his spidey-sense rang. Watching, paralysed when an entire jet was picked up by ant-man, tossed and pushed away by Ironman, levitated by Wanda, and ended up sailing towards the city.

Letting out a gasp he abandoned the fight, webbing towards the fallen jet frantically. " It appears you are needed in these locations," Karen stated, pulling up a map of locations where the jet had landed. Peter swung away, unnoticed by the heroes still fighting.

Around twenty minutes later the Avengers froze as an extremely loud and unfamiliar voice boomed "STOP!" All heads whirled towards the source, only to hear a muttered: "Karen, voice modifier off." Too stunned to speak, the avengers unintentionally gave Spiderman his que. 

"Al- oka- right." Peter stuttered nervously, standing on an airport terminal, he looked less nervous than he felt. " you will- you- need to stop fighting..?" It came out more like a question. Taking a deep breath he started before anyone could interrupt " This isn't only about you guys. What I mean is that other people are getting hurt." "You mean yourself?!" came a yell from sam. Rage built in his eyes as glared at Sam. "NO! Not me. INNOCENT CIVILIANS. The very people you work to protect. You know what? just watch this." Peter muttered something to Karen as a video was projected from his web-shooters

The Avengers soon discovered it was footage from Peters point of view. They watched, Sam indignant, most others a mixture of incredulous and intent. They noticed the jet flying and the ones responsible for tossing it gasped in fear and shock. They followed Peters gaze of the city until it landed on a school. There was another round of gasps as they saw a plane wing demolished part of it. For the first time, all their focus was truly on the video. 

Peter remembered it clear as day, instead of watching the scene again, he closed his eyes. He panicked a little when he saw the destroyed school. Swinging in rashly, he saw some kids trapped under the wing, which was being held up by a crumbling piece of wall. With no hesitation, he jumped under the wing just as the wall crumbled. 

The Avengers heard rather than saw Peters pain. Grimacing- some turning away as a bloodcurdling scream echoed through Karens speakers. There were tears falling down Tony's face, and he would have crumpled if not for the suit. How could he drag the poor innocent kid, into this? and now he was single-handedly carrying around 45 000 kg!

Pain. White hot coursing pain. His vision went black and he didn't realise that he was screaming until his throat started cracking. 'Man, I didn't know aeroplane wings were so heavy!' He mentally quipped. It was like a reflex to him now. But as he scolded himself mentally, he turned meeting terrified eyes. 

'Those kids would have died if not for him. Died, because of us.' Some variation of that thought flitted through everyone's mind as their eyes locked onto the projected screen. A unanimous sigh of relief passed through the heroes- who were following peters gaze as three kids crawled out. 

Just as he thought he couldn't take it any longer the kids escaped.  Unfortunately, he noticed another kid whimpering near the back. He appeared to have a broken leg. "C'mon, just scooch out from under." He encouraged the kid. His voice sounded raspy even to his own ears. But all the kid did was let out more whimpers. 

Tony might have been seething; at himself; the other heroes; or even the (unknown) kid.  But Peter really didn't blame the kid. He's experienced broken bones before- they are not fun. So when the next part played; Peter closed his eyes- aware that this silence was even worse than his screams earlier.

Mouths open in silent horror- some crumpling to their knees; they were crushed by the sheer pain that Peter felt in that moment, as he lifted 95, 000 pounds, with one hand. Steve Rodgers and Bucky Barnes, would never admit- that for once, they were scared. Scared of the power a fellow superhero possessed. Peter shot a web and swung the last kid out of the range of aeroplane wing.  Like a leaf blowing away just before your foot hits it, Peter rolled out, a second before the wing crashed down with a huge smash.

The rest of the footage played on with relative silence from the Avengers. They watched as Peter threw himself into a burning car to rescue an old lady, the car was aflame with airplane parts scattered around it.

 A few burns, broken bones and ripped muscles later Peter swung back, ready to give the fighting avengers a piece of his mind.

Rhodey was the first one to notice

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