Is it usually this crazy being a dad?

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A.N: I have zero inspiration, terrible writing skills and too much free time. Thus, this was born! This is based on my puppy, who loves to bring home rocks from her walks.

REQUESTS OPEN!! DM me or leave a comment and ill try my best.

Tony had adopted Peter 3 years ago and it was proving to be more of a hellish rollercoaster then he had hoped. There were buildups of anxiety, deathly drops of fear, loop-de-loops of so much happiness, love and pride that he felt like exploding. So this was what it was like to be a dad. 

At six years old Peter was a hyperactive bundle of joy, fluff and laughter. He was a ticking bomb. Waiting to explode on the unsuspecting Tony, who was tweaking blueprints on his stark-phone. Peter liked to call it the magic mirror ("Bwut, Dad! It shwows wou stwuff, an-and dwoes what you twell it. Just wike in Snow White!!")

Peter was currently perched on the beige sofa- which in fact happened to be the one Tony was sitting on- in the private living room of Stark Towers. The six-year-old mind of Peter thought he gracefully leapt at Tony with a fierce battle cry- and that the took down Tony like the warrior he was.

Tony had a very different recollection of events. He knew Peter was perched on the sofa. ("it was obvious!"). Peter wouldn't jump...would he?  Peter would. He realised that almost a second too late when he heard an excited squeal and came face to face with... a mop of curly brown hair and large doe eyes shining with mischief heading towards him at high speeds.

OMPH! Tonys' arms were thrown out at the last moment, gave the giggling mass in them protection. It did not, in fact, shield tony at all from the brunt of the force.

That was the last straw. More than a few strangled groans, squeals and giggles later, Tony and Peter were on the way to the park. "The one with the doggys, wight daddy?" Peter confirmed, his voice dripping with excitement. "Yes, Peter, the park with the dogs. You can play with some and let daddy work. Okay?" Tony replied in a strange mix of endearment and exasperation. Peter nodded " 'kay." Meanwhile swinging his arm with Tony's much bigger one. Tony watched Peter skip along the sidewalk his arm in his, and gave a small sigh which was quickly followed by a smile. Running his hand through peters floofy hair he sighed again. I wish Peter could stay this innocent forever. God, I wish I could stay with him forever.

Tony sighed one last time as thoughts of work bombarded him. Soon, Peter laughter mixed with the thousands of other sounds emanating from this plush dog park. 

After a while, Tony peeked over his phone and observed the europhic Peter kneel next to a blue staffy. The puppy then proceeded to pick up a rock in its mouth. Peter looked around and saw a couple of other dogs collecting rocks, and taking them everywhere. 

Peter grinned one of his infamous I'm-too-innocent-so-i'll-do-somthing-adorable-but-it'll-exasperate-Tony grins. His eyes sparkled as he.....

Around ten minutes later, Tony was about to collect Peter when he saw Peter sitting and talking to something. He didn't know what since his view was covered by the bush, but judging on the way Peters' hand went out to pet it, it seemed to be a dog.

"Hey, Pete," Tony called out as he moved to see what his son was talking to. But before he could do that- as quick as lightning Peter was up and rambling excitedly. All tony caught was something about a new friend, keeping him and taking care of him. Tony didn't know what he was but he was almost certain it was a dog Peter wanted to adopt.

He crouched down and put a hand on Peters' shoulder, staring into those excited eyes. With a great sigh and a soft voice "Listen Pete, I know you care about him, but all of the dogs at this park already belong to somebody, you cant just adopt someone else's dog.." Tony trailed off at the pure confusion on Peters' face. "A dog? I wasn't twalking about a dog. I was twalking abwout Jake" Peter blabbered. 

Tony was more than a little concerned at this point. A million possibilities and inner rants were running through his head. In that time Peter had gone behind the bush picked up something and was bouncing over to Tony.

"Mweet Jake. He's my bwest fwiend foreveah." Peter exclaimed.

Tony was frozen in place, out of all the possibilities he had not even considered this. Because, after all that worrying, Peter was holding...

a rock.

Back at the tower, Peter played all day with his new friend. Chocolate brown eyes shining, he took utmost care of the smooth grey rock as big as his palm.

Jake was tucked into the little bed Peter crafted. Once Peter was in his own bed, Tony sat the edge of his bed- in the room next to Peters- pondering the events of the day. Looking back at it, Tony laughed for a good 10 minutes.

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