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Peter walked through the corridors of Stark tower. He was giggling to himself as he watched the vines being projected in front of him. The fifteen-year-old had black SI headphones that projected a phone in front of his face. Peter Stark was shamelessly watching vines while strolling around the empty corridors. He passed a few empty guest rooms and thought that screaming his favourite vine in sync with the video was the best idea in the world. That's why the next moment we hear "IT'S WEDNESDAY MY DUDES!" yelled at the top of his lungs.

"YEET!!" came a yelled reply from 5 inches next to him. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH" Peter screamed in surprise jumping in fright. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH" came the reply from the voice. Spinning around Peter wondered who it could be. Superheroes and businessmen alike would never say yeet.

"HOLY SHIT! YOU'RE ON THE *&^%$#!  CEILING!!!" Yelled a girl who looked around his age. Her braided hair was in two buns, Princess Leia style. Peter could barely think 'Oh no! I'm on the ceiling!' Before "LANGUAGE!!" Steve Rogers booming voice rang out. 

This time both of the teens yelled in surprise "WHAT THE *&^%$#!#$%" "WHERE THE &*^% DID THAT COME FROM!"

"LANGUAGE!!!" came a different recording of Steves' voice. Cursing some more as they realised who did it, they were interrupted by FRIDAY. " I find this situation very amusing. I believe you would say 'LOL'."

At that moment, Tony and  T'challa walked in lost in conversation. They looked up and blinked comically at the sight before them. Peter was still on the ceiling.

A LOT of cursing, laughing, Spidey-ness and a few hours later, Tony turned to T'challa from where he was seated on the kitchen island. Wearing a tired expression on his face, he groaned " I wish they had never met!" just as an avocado sailed over his head into the waiting hands of Peter who yelled "IT'S FrE sHa vAcA Do!!! "

A.N: Hope you liked that chappie, it was meant to be funny so hope you laughed..... I appreciate each and every comment so a shoutout to:

@Anonlicious   @praisethecasssass   @lamamama05   and 

for actually commenting and reading my story, requests are appreciated  though I may take a while to upload

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