"Mr Lee?"

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This was a long-forgotten draft, I have since abandoned this story but decided to publish all my unfinished drafts before deleting the account. If anyone wants to use any part of this story or finish any chapters you're free to do so, thanks for enjoying my childish rambles and for all the support, goodbye.

The thumps of footsteps resonated like gunshots. Everywhere people were chattering. To five-year-old Peter, it sounded like a swarm of insects- haunting his dreams. The tattered shirt and grimy face caused people to look down on him as they dodged past the busy streets. His stomach let out a low growl, people around sneered in disgust. It was all numb to Peter.

 He had escaped his house-fire and ran. Ran, for his life. The streets were terrible, he was too young to know about shelters and orphanages. So every so often, when there was a person without a sneer or scowl, wide brown eyes would look up as he tugged on their sleeve. "Could you spare some change, please?" Peter imitated the words he'd heard many people say.

Sometimes, he would get enough to get some food. Sometimes, nothing. He repeated this same routine as a kind looking old man passed him. " Could you spare some change, please-" He questioned before glancing at the name badge on the strange man's chest. "-Mr Lee?" He added hesitantly; Peter learnt to read much earlier than most people his age. The wary boy was surprised as Mr Lee held only warmth in his eyes, kneeling before speaking in a gentle tone, "How about both of us go and get a meal, is your mother or father around here?" Peter took a small step back  while shaking his head no. With a small frown, Peter could see his new friend was thinking hard. Masking his emotions almost instantly, Stan Lee guided the malnourished young boy to a restaurant, unaware that he eventually guided him to the best life he could ask for.

"Peter? Are you going to help or not?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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