Windows and skyscrapers (part 1)

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First off, a HUGE apology to all my readers. I just couldn't bring myself to write, this is a chappie I had in the works and ill complete it in a new part. I am determined to keep this story alive and will fulfil all requests. Every comment means so much to me but your request may have gotten lost, as much as I try I can't keep track of all the requests or comments so if you would remind me where, and if you commented your request or re-request that would be great.

With multiple cuts and bruises across his body, along with the fact that he had two stab wounds, Peter was not having a good day. He ducked as another pitch black spike sailed over his head. He was currently fighting on the rooftops, out as Spiderman, with a new supervillain called Razor. The self-proclaimed super-name had been ignored by the 15-year-old, who was coming up with new names for him each minute.

"Hey, Needletail! Catch me if you can!" Called out Spiderman. The bulky supervillain had a large metal tail-thing sticking out of his lower back. The before mentioned tail had 1 and a 1/2 foot spikes sticking out of it. The spikes used to cover his entire tail, but now only covered a third of it, why? you may ask because most of them had been launched at the red and blue hero in front of him. Unfortunately for him, only two of them had made their mark.

Spiderman webbed himself on to the next skyscraper in an effort to lose the villain. His spidey sense was going crazy and he mentally thanked it as a spike whizzed past his ear.

"Karen, have you completed that analysis yet? 'cause we have had enough close calls that I know the exact density of those spikes," Peter muttered under his breath. 

" I have found a way to disable the tail. There is a control panel on the underside of the tail, near to the base. That contains the power source of the tail." Karen reassured while pulling up a diagram in the corner of the screen.  Peter almost sighed in relief. The new bandage web mode was still hastily applied over his wounds. That didn't stop the pain or the bleeding completely. And even though he wouldn't admit it, Peter didn't know how much longer he could go on for.

Forcing himself to focus he fought his way through the next two minutes and was suddenly grabbed by the tail. He thanked the fates as the tail was mostly out of spikes. Basically, it couldn't impale him as soon as it made contact. The smaller part that was filled with spikes was dangerously close to his abdomen before Peter caught the spikes from the middle and started pushing the spikes away from him.

This is the perfect opportunity to get to that control panel. Peter thought as he allowed the smooth part of the tail to grab him further. Spinning around to destroy the control panel he did not expect to find himself sailing through the air. 

Almost all coherent thought transformed into AAAAAAAAHHHHH as Peter sailed through the air at breakneck speeds. Almost all coherent thought. The part of his brain that has kept him alive all these years looked at the skyscrapers below him and decided that no skyscraper is taller than that, and when he came down he would web himself onto one of them. 

Now, being a superhero was a dangerous job. Being one that swung at high velocity, on a thin strand of webbing across new york regularly, was even more dangerous. So its safe to say Spiderman had his fair share of experiences crashing through windows. But this time... it was almost surreal. The glass didn't give way immediately,  it required his entire body to flatten against it before breaking. And unlike normal glass this did not shatter completely, instead, there was a large Peter-sized-hole where glass should be. The remaining shards didn't shatter into (almost) harmless glass glitter but turned into large chunks that cut gashes all over his body.

His head pounding as the breath was knocked out of him, Peter groaned. Spiderman lay on the marble floors, staining the spotless stone red with blood. After a few seconds that felt like hours, Peter pushed himself up. At this point, he would have looked around to see who makes a building this bloody high. But his mind, half clouded with pain could only watch out the broken window as Razor sailed towards the building.

His spidey-sense saved him once again as he instinctively dived to the side before Razor came crashing through the already shattered window.   

Cliffhanger, I know. But IronDad in the next part!

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