Chapter 1

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Peter leaned back in his desk, fingers tapping against the wood impatiently as he watched the hands on the clock tick. Every movement seemed to echo within his acute ears. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

30 more seconds and he was free of this place. That's all Peter lived for, every day after school. So did many other kids, but not for the same reasons as him. Peter didn't go to parties, he didn't attend practice for sports or clubs. Instead, after school, he spun webs around the city. The kid looked to help people, to help himself prove his worth to Mr. Stark.

The girl next to him sharply turned her head and gave him the death glare. Peter caught this and froze in her green eyes- apparently his tapping and leg bouncing was enough to irritate the whole class because many of them were looking at him. It looked like he had gotten lost in his thoughts once again.

Stifling a sorry, Peter straightened himself in his desk and shrank down into his sweater.

Finally, the bell went off and he was the first one out of his seat and out of the classroom. There was no stopping him, Peter moved so quickly that he was just about to the exit before any other student was in the hallway.

One however, seemed to beat him to it.

Rounding the corner of the hallway, Peter heard her footsteps before he saw her. So, extending his hands out of reflex, Peter gripped both of her arms stopping both of them in their place. It made her freeze, and whatever was in her hands crashed to the floor. "Jesus-" her quiet yet deep voice hissed.

Then, as they looked at each other, neither had a word to say.

Instead, all they could do was breathe.

Her eyes were enormous, bright and blue, and her soft blonde hair was pulled back into a French braid. "I ugh-" he mumbled out.

Again, she beat him. "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. "

Then, bending down, the girl began to gather all of her books at his feet. Thanks to his aunt May, Peter's manners kicked in. The boy was on the ground right next to her helping her collect her books. Seeing just which ones they were though, he was impressed. Most of them were classes that he was in. "Molecular chemistry?"

With a stifled shy smile, the girl nodded. "Ugh yeah..."

He could see she was uncomfortable. "No, that's not a bad thing. It's just, I'm in most of these classes and I've just never seen you before?"

Together, they rose to their feet with her books in their hands. "Oh yeah. I just got here today, start classes tomorrow."

"And you didn't think to bring a backpack?"

"I didn't know I was getting my books today." She chuckled. "Figured I'd get them tomorrow you know, after the tour?"

Peter felt the weight of his two backpacks on his shoulders, one holding his suit and the other holding his books. He only needed one, especially right now.

So- setting her books in the floor again Peter took off his top one that had his books in it. "What are you doing?" She smiled at him with a confused look.

"Well-" he set his books on the floor next to hers. "-I was cleaning out my locker today-"

Quickly, she picked up on what he was doing. "Oh no, you don't have to-"

"I was going to throw it out anyway." Peter handed over the now empty backpack.

For a moment, the girl studied it and smiled. "You're a bad liar, you know that?" Her eyes locked in his.

It made Peter smile. "You don't even know me."

"I don't have to. " Slowly, she took it from his hand. "But thank you....?"

"Peter. Peter Parker." He finished for her.

Nodding, she smiled again. "Peter."

"And you are?"

For a second, it looked like she was fighting introducing herself. Her eyes went to the ground, she bit her lip, and swiped the loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Then, with a huff, she reached forward and shook the hand he had held out for her. "Josie Green."

All of a sudden, it was like a wave had been released. Kids were pouring into the hallway behind Peter, and the expression he wore was slight panic. Josie noticed this, but couldn't say anything as he handed her her books and gathered his. "Well, I'll see you around!" As he jogged away from her, he turned one more time and sent her a charming smile. "Welcome to Midtown!" Then, in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared out of the school doors leaving her to be engulfed in the thick crowd of eager students.


Peter sprinted away from the school sloppily throwing his books into his backpack as he went. Nobody was there to see him, not as he moved at lightening speed, leapt over the security gate to the school, or as his red and blue suit slipped out of his bag for a split second.

Mr. Stark would have told him to be more careful, but nobody saw him so he didn't see the harm.

Soon enough, the kid was in his natural environment surrounded by the people of New York. The busy streets were what he strived for.

In almost a routine schedule, Peter weaved his way into small corner deli where he was greeted instantly. "Hey Kid, how was school today? Number 5 right?"

Shrugging, Peter waited for his typical order to be made. "It was school, nothing exciting. And yeah- and can you smoosh it down real flat for me? Thanks."

"How about that aunt?" Then, the owner of the store turned around to his cook and spoke in Spanish. Little did they know, Peter spoke Spanish.

After calling his aunt a hot italian woman, they were taken off guard as he responded. "¿Como es tu hija?" Meaning: how is your daughter.

"Ten dollars." He retorted for the sandwich.

Peter just smiled. "Come on, it says five."

"After that comment- ten."

"I was joking! It was a joke!" He chuckled handing him a five dollar bill. "Here's five."

Reluctantly, the man took Peter's five dollars.

With a smile, Peter continued towards the cat laying on the counter. "Hey Murph-" he greeted stroking his head. Just as he did every day, the cat purred in his presence.

Before he knew it, his sandwich was being handed over. "Stay in school kid." He warned. "Otherwise you could end up like me."

"What's so bad about this?"

"Best sandwiches in queens." He smiled before waving Peter off. They said their goodbyes, and Peter was off towards the typical ally that he went to every day. There, nobody could see him change, nobody could see him become the spider man.

That was how it needed to be, and that was how it was going to stay too.

Just him and only him.

Not event Aunt May knew. He couldn't do it alone forever though, even Tony Stark had help when it came down to it.

Peter just didn't realize he would rely on someone he literally just met.

Then again, neither did she.

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