Chapter 18

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Tearing through the city, Josie weaved the car back and forth dodging anything and everything around them. Every now and again, Ned would tell them when to turn, what the fastest route was. Outside of his direction skills however, his other job was to contact Happy, Tony Stark's assistant.

He wasn't answering though. "Of course he won't answer." Peter threw his hands into the air. "They never believe me!"

"Then you're just going to have to do it yourself!" Josie hollered over the wind in Flash's Father's convertible. "If this guy is going to be stopped it has to be tonight."

The sun had gone down long ago, so- she knew her father was gone. There was no making it up to him, no bringing him back.

She was supposed to be there, but he would have to understand why she couldn't be.

"Take a right!" Peter yelled back and she did.

Soon enough, after a few more turns, Ned had told them that they arrived. It was an abandoned building, of course, a van parked outside with a dark lingering tone flooding out of the broken windows.

Peter hesitantly got out of the car, eyes sizing up the situation before him while Josie remained in the drivers seat. She didn't like the look of the place, to her- it seemed like a trap. It was around no other buildings, only one van on the outside?

She was going to say something, but he had cut her off with a sharp breath.

"Okay." He sighed clapping his hands together on the exhale. "I can do this."

"Pete." Josie climbed out of the car taking his side again.

Shaking his head, he pushed her back towards the seat. "No, you're staying in the car."

"I just-"

"I can't let you get hurt Jo!" He hollered at her. This made her stop where she was, look at him, and press her back against the car. "Not again."

Beneath his mask, she was sure that she could imagine his face. Alongside this, Josie felt his eyes flicker to her wrist. It was still wrapped, still sore, but healing. Right now however, looking at Spidey's eyes- all she could do was sigh seeing he white. "Just be careful Pete.. I mean it."

Nodding, he started backing away from her before jogging away. "Wait right there!"

Then, he was entering the door to the warehouse leaving her alone to her thoughts and the stars above. Along with those stars, she was sure, were her parents.

So all Jo could do was stare back, then close her eyes, and finally mutter an apology.


Minutes had passed, and there was no sound from within the warehouse. That could mean two things in Josie's mind, either something really good or something very bad.

Impatiently, she paced around the car, pressed her fingers to her mouth, and scanned for any sign of danger that Peter was in.

In her back pocket however, she jumped feeling the vibration. Without a second thought she had the phone open and to the main screen. There, a text message resided in the center of the screen. It was from Carli.

Everything went as it should, I'm sorry my dear. If you need anything, don't be afraid to call.

Inside her throat, Josie felt the muscles tighten and her eyes burn.

This was it, this is what it felt like to actually be alone. It made her bones feel numb, but the air around her skin heavy at the same time.

The feeling was short lived however, because out of nowhere a large pair of metal wings crashed out of the building in front of her. Cement flew everywhere, a wall collapsed, and they spiraled back in taking out yet another wall. After, somewhere that she couldn't see, crash after crash took place and all Josie could do was cover her mouth in horror. The entire building came crumbling down, and just before it fully collapsed, the wings exploded from what was left of the rubble and into the sky with Liz's dad attached to them.

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