Chapter 7

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AP chemistry was boring, especially when you were a sophomore. What made it worse though was the fact that she already knew what the teacher was trying to talk about. Nobody around her seemed to be comprehending what she was saying though.

So, having the worksheet for the class period already finished, Jo had it flipped over and started doodling on the back. Meanwhile, she pulled Peter's sweatshirt over her mouth and to her nose to avoid the smell of the puberty filled boy beside her.

Her shirt was riddled with holes from last night, so he just let her use his sweatshirt for the day that she had on last night.

She had never been so thankful for it except right now.

Suddenly, in her pocket, her phone buzzed and it made the person next to her send her a look. Sending one right back, she slid it out seeing that she had a text message from Peter.


Then, another one.


Rolling her eyes, Josie watched the teacher and her screen at the same time making sure that she didn't get busted.

-If she asks me to go to the mall, I'm saying no.

Of course he responded fast.

What? Why?!

-What class are you in.

"Ms. Green."

"God dammit.." she sighed looking up to the teacher. "Yes?"

Clearly she was unsatisfied with her attention.

"Do you care to tell us the answer to 13 please."

Flipping over her paper, Josie took a breath and found question thirteen.

Which of the following must be true for a sample of supercritical uranium (235U)?

Her phone buzzed again.

"C." She leaned back in her chair. "Because the rate of production of neutrons exceeds their rate of consumption."

Taking a look at her answer sheet, the instructor nodded and went back to her lesson.

Peter's next text read: Chemistry, I'll be outside your room after class is out.

Rolling her eyes, Josie left him on read and paid attention for the rest of class. If she had a repeat of being caught, then the teacher would have to give some sort of punishment.

Then again, detention wouldn't be such a bad thing now, would it?

It beat the mall.

Leaving with her backpack tight to her shoulders, Jo wasn't surprised when as soon as she stepped out of the door Peter was at her side.

"Come on Jo, please."

"She's actually going to ask me to the mall, isn't she."

"I don't know! But it can-"

"Help you get in there, Yeah, I know." She rolled her eyes as they reached her locker.

Peter chuckled. "I wouldn't exactly call it getting in there, that sounds bad."

"Yeah, it does. But I'm sorry, I can't."

"What do you mean? Why?"

"I gotta go see my dad after school."

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