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It was hard.

It was really fucking hard.

There was no point in living anymore. But I was too much of a coward to do it.

Perhaps it wasn't cowardice because why would I be scared of ending my life? I always felt like there was something else keeping me alive, but It wasn't really helping that I had no idea what that could be.

Everyone I know is dead. Ron is dead. Hermione is dead. All my friends are dead. Most of the Weasley's are dead. Everyone.

It made me contemplate that thought again. Why am I still here when everyone wasn't? What could possibly stop me from ending my life when there wasn't somebody here to help do it?

Hell, the only people I'm close to that are still alive are Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnigan, Bill Weasley, and Minerva McGonogall.

Truthfully, not a very decent select few. McGonogall has isolated herself from the world and I've seen her three times since the war ended. So that's a total of three times in more than three years.

Bill went to live with his brother in Romania. Says he just wants to get the farthest away from here and over to the only family he has left. He sends letters sometimes.

I see Seamus once every month or two, maybe three. He lives in muggle London and I'm certain he's got himself a muggle boyfriend. He never actually said it but I observed.

Luna's pretty much the only person left. She visits often; once every week, twice if she feels like it. The visits generally consist of us trying to lift each other up.

It was hard but I learned to deal.

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