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Before I could even say 'Hello' he came in and closed the door behind him in a hurry.

"We need to leave." He said.

"What? Where?"

"Somewhere." He reached for my jacket on the coat hanger and threw it in my face. "I'm taking you somewhere, Harry."

"What the fuck, Draco?"

"Come on!" He was annoyed. "Just...come on."

I put on my coat and shoes then followed him out the door.

He reached for my hand; his was cold.

"What are you do-"

Within mere seconds, we were standing in front of a river. There was a restaurant behind us that seemed to be empty.

"Draco, you don't just fucking take my hand and apparate us without a bloody warning." I hissed at him, clutching my stomach.

"Oh, don't be a swine." He said, not really giving me any attention. He was studying our surroundings. "We're in the right place-" he said, more to himself. "Almost."

We were still holding hands. I let go off him, instantly regretting it.

"Fancy telling me where we are?" I looked at him.


"France?! Merlin, Draco! What...What the fuck?!"

"Stop being so insufferable and loud, Harry, for Merlin's sake." He was still barely paying me any attention as he walked around, looking like he was trying to find something.

Then he came back and wrapped his fingers around my hand again. "Warning!"

We were standing somewhere else now. It was the other side of the river so that I could see the restaurant across from us.

"Alright, we're here." He started hauling me with him into a building.

"Stop, you pompous git!" I violently tugged at his hand to make him stop. He looked at me apprehensively. "Care to fucking explain?"

"I don't know, Harry. I don't have an explanation. I was bored and thought I'd bring us to France, check into a nice hotel, eat some good food."

What a fucking dick.

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