Chapter 2

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English, recess and Bio went by in a blur and it was finally lunch time.

I put my books in my locker and started to walk to the cafeteria. Hopefully they decided to turn on the heaters so we wouldn't freeze to death.

And no I wasn't being dramatic. If the heaters aren't on in the cafeteria it is the same temperature as outside, which was four degrees.

Just before I walked into the cafeteria I caught my reflection in the glass window in the door. My dark brown hair was flowing over my shoulders in waves from under my dark blue beanie which was pulled down to cover my ears. My blue eyes were watering from the cold and my light blue jeans and red coat were damp from the rain which had begun in fourth period.

I pushed through the doors and thanked God that the heaters were on. I scanned the cafeteria to find my friends and was happy to see Tessa, Leah, Brooklyn and Seth sitting at a long table towards the back of the cafeteria. I walked over to them quickly and sat down opposite Tessa and Seth and beside Leah.

"Hey Rylie," Leah greeted me, flipping her black hair over her shoulder as she faced me.

"Hey Leah," I responded, smiling at her then putting my hands in my pockets.

As warm as it was in the cafeteria, my hands were still cold and I had unfortunately left my gloves in my locker.

"How was class?" Brooklyn asked, not to anyone in particular. She didn't seem in a good mood as she was just rolling food around her plate with her fork.

"It was so boring! English sucks!" Seth complained, raking a hand through his blonde hair while Tessa smiled at him.

Leah shook her head. "It's better than double Chemistry!"

Suddenly Brooklyn perked up, a wide, fake smile covering her face as she looked over my shoulder to someone who must have been coming towards us.

Tessa smirked at me for some reason and Seth just nodded at whoever it was, so I turned.

When I did, I saw August walking towards our table.

Obviously that's not what got everyone's attention.

No, what got everyone's attention was the new guy walking next to August.

I glared and turned around, planning on ignoring him.

"Hey everyone," August said when they arrived at our table. "This is Max Harris. He's obviously new here and is going to hang with us."

Max was wearing the stupid smirk still as he looked at me, so I looked back down at the table. But of course, being the annoying guy he is, he slid onto the bench beside me, completely dismissing the general rules of a personal bubble. His left arm was nearly touching mine.

August sat beside him and I interally rolled my eyes. August never brought new people into the group and was generally not someone who talked to new people. Of course the one person he asked to hang out with us was the one person I didn't like.

I decided to ignore him, so I got my hands out of my pocket and started rubbing them together to get some warmth into them as having them in my pockets was doing nothing.

"Want me to warm up your hands instead?" Max asked from beside me, holding out his hands, the ever present smirk on his face. I was so surprised by this, but I wasn't the only one.

Tessa was a mix of surprised and amused, Seth was grinning, Brooklyn was scowling at me and Leah and August wore the same confused expression.

"Are you trying to make me hate you or is it just a natural skill?" I asked, glowering in his direction but he seemed completely unaffected.

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