Chapter 15

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A/N: Okay so here it is. I kind of struggled with this chapter. I had two ways to end it and I couldn't pick, so I went with the safe option. I have the same problem with the end of the story and it can go one of two ways, so two of my best friends have just decided without them actually knowing what they have decided. *Evil villain laugh but fails epically because I suck at that* Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter!!!


Thankfully the town we lived in was small. It only took ten minutes to walk to the supermarket where we were looking down the confectionary aisle.

"There's just so many sweets," Max said in astonishment, his mouth gaping open.

I laughed but ran a hand through my still-paint-splattered hair. "Ah yes the benefits of a confectionary aisle at the supermarket!" I mocked. "You know, it has lots of confectionary."

Max had cheered me up in only the few minutes it took to walk here, but I was still feeling the aftershock of seeing my mother.

I had so many questions running through my hand.

What was she doing there?

Why did Dad let her in?

Why was she still such a bitch?

Who did she think she was to say she was still my mother?

When did she get here? How long had she been here?

They were all questions that I wouldn't have answers to until I talked to my dad, which meant that I had to pick up one of the many phone calls I had recieved from him.

"So, what do you want?" Max asked me, a smile lifting up a corner of his mouth into that sexy half smile.

"Hmm," I smiled, thinking about what I wanted. "Crispy mnms or skittles."

Max pulled both of the shelf and held them in his arm. "What else?"

"What else? Are you kidding?" I asked in disbelief. Surely we didn't need more than tha.

"No I'm serious. Do you want anything else?"

I shook my head with an amused smile on my face and we went to the checkout. The older lady at the register was having a pleasnt conversation with Max while I just nodded along, smiling.

I was never good with talking to people I didn't know.

"Have a nice evening," Max said kindly before we left the supermarket.

"You too!" The lady called, before moving on to the next customer.

"How do you manage to charm everyone you meet?" I asked, confuzzled.

Every single person I had seen him meet was instantly taken by his 'charm', as Brooklyn had once called it.

A chuckle escaped Max's lips and he raised his eyebrows. "Maybe it's just my charming smile or my dazzling personality?" He asked, smirking.

"Neither of which you have," I poked my tongue out and Max rolled his eyes before pinching my nose.

"You need to stop being so judgemental," he told me as he turned into another street.

I figured we would be close because we were a few streets away from the park on the oher side of my house.

"You need to stop assuming things about people before you know them," I responded as we turned into a driveway. It was a very classic, two story house with a pointed roof and red brick walls.

Max frowned as he went to push open the door, but something stopped him. "Just a warning, my family is a bit loud and strange. So just ignore them," he actually looked worried.

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