Chapter 25

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What? No. Surely he couldn't remember everything.

Why would he lie about that?

"I was completely drunk, sure," Max allowed, guilty. "But I knew exactly what I did. I don't know why i told her that I didn't. I just didn't want it to be awkward after the kiss and all."

"Why did you kiss her?" Leah asked, and as much as I knew I wasn't going to win the maze by standing here and eavesdropping, I simply couldn't get my feet to budge.

"Look, I don't know okay?" Max sighed, frustration seeping through his tone. I could imagine him running a hand through his hand. "I just remember thinking that she was fucking gorgeous and we were in the attic at like, 3am. I remember wanting to kiss her, actually, wanting to do much more than that but obviously I didn't. I don't know. I guess I just thought, well, why not?"

Leah snorted and simply said, "You have to tell Rylie."

Damn straight he had to tell me! This was such bullshit!

And I was mad. How could he have pretended he forgot? Why would he do that to me?

Surely he knew it was a bad idea from the moment he even thought of lying.

That egotistical douchebag!

"No no no. I can't, Leah. She'll be mad and then I'll have to explain and she won't talk to me again!!"

Ooh that was a great idea actually!!

Silent treatment.

Hell yeah I was so doing that!

"Are you effing kidding me Max?" Leah huffed as I backed away slowly.

My original plan was to run away and go home and be a crybaby about it, but only now I realised that was a bad idea.

It would only draw attention, something I clearly didn't want. So I simply resolved for not speaking to Max.

I didn't know for how long, but I knew I'd figure it out.

"Come on Leah," Max protested, dragging his voice into a pleading tone. "You know that if I do I will-"

I didn't hear any more of their conversation. I just wanted to find the stupid flag and get out of there.

Which I did, first, I might add.

It was actually kind of boring. I had pulled the lever which took one of the flags down so that everyone would know someone was already here.

I stayed up in the tower after that, thinking briefly of the last time I was in a tower.

Nope you're not talking to him so you're not thinking about him.

Yeah that probably wasn't going to happen.

As per usual, you always thought of the one person you were trying to not think of. Perhaps it was because, by trying to not think about them, you are in fact thinking about them.

I heard footsteps underneath where I was sitting and someone shrieked with glee.


I groaned, hearing the footsteps come up the stairs, closer to where I was.

When I saw the unruly mop of brown hair I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey Nate," I smiled, carefully forming my face into a impenetrable mask.

"What's up?" He asked casually, sitting down on the ground beside me.

I shrugged, gesturing aroud us in response.

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