Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys! So it's the day before school starts back and I kind of had a massive writing day so here is the fourth chapter for the day! I hope you like it. So yeah, as I mentioned school starts back tomorrow so I probably won't be uploading as much as usual because of homework and sport and all of that, but I'll try to upload twice a week! Read, comment, vote and enjoy!! 


There was an unfamiliar car parked in our driveway as I pulled to the kerb.

Whoever was here had taken my spot in the driveway, but I figured they would be leaving soon and I was too happy from my day with Max to be mad about this.

Wow, I was really getting pathetic, wasn’t  I?

I wasn’t much better than the bimbos that threw themselves at him whenever he took a single step into the school halls.

None of which he really bothered to pay attention to.

I shrugged, pulling my bag out with me and walking to the front door with a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

I pushed open the front door and was immediately struck by a conversation that seemed to be emanating from the kitchen.

I distinctly heard my father’s voice, sounding angry. No, not angry. Furious.

Knowing that neither my brother or sister were in the house – Dad would never sound that way when we were around – I frowned and turned the corner to the kitchen.

Dad was standing on the opposite side of the counter with a hand scratching the back of his neck in frustration.

He looked angry. But there was an undercurrent of something else resting on his features that I didn’t recognize until I saw who he was arguing with.

When I did, I gasped audibly.

There was a tall woman sitting on one of the stools – with excellent posture, I might add – with her curly, dark brown hair flowing to just below her shoulders.

Her skinny legs were flattered by a pair of light skinny jeans and she was wearing a sophisticated green blouse that ran the length of her arm that was resting on the counter, her red painted nails tapping against the bench in frustration. Something that was horribly familiar to me.

Surprised by my gasp, Dad and this woman turned to face me. Dad looked guilty and this woman…

When she turned, I saw her pale, freckled face with her gray eyes watching me in anticipation. Her mouth was pulled into a wide, fake smile that consumed her face.

I was immediately filled with the consuming urge to smack that stupid smile off her face.

Her gray, scrutinizing eyes looked me up and down, before returning to my face with another condescending smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“I see you’re still biting your nails,” was all she said and I suddenly felt the urge to curl my hands into balls so that she could no longer see my nails.

I was stunned into silence.

My mouth was most likely gaping open but I just couldn’t quite make my jaw close shut.

“Oh sweetie, it’s not very attractive to leave your mouth hanging open like that.” She said, still smiling that bittersweet smile that made my insides churn.

“Jade! That is no way to talk to my daughter!” Dad nearly yelled, making me jump, finally able to move.

"She's my daughter too!" She protested and I shook my head furiously, matching Dad's actions.

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