Chapter 27

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A/N: Hello again! Sorry but this story isn't going to be as long. I realised I was just dragging it out unecessarily soooo it has maybe six more chapters to go, if that? I'm not really sure, but there will be that and then an epilogue. And yeah, it's been a bit all over the place but it's getting there. I'll probably end up editing this entire story at some stage in the future but for now we will just have to deal with it as is! So I apologize for it not being up to standards but I have already written two chapters and they are - if I do say so myself - FLIPPING AWESOME!! So just be patient grasshoppers! Sorry, I'm tired. Anyway, here's the chapter! It's an interesting Max chapter and I hope you enjoy it! 


I sat in the car, tapping my hands on the steering wheel nervously. 

I was sitting in front of Max's house with jeans, an oversized sweater, glasses on, make-up off, and my hair in a bun. 

I wasn't trying to repulse him, truly. But this was our deal. I had to be the real me and he had to be the real him. We were leaving our masks out of this. 

You can't wait in the car forever. Just go up to the front door and knock, as usual. It's just a normal afternoon and I'm going to my best friend's house. 

Who I was secretly in love with, but let's not get into that. 

I took a calming breath and walked up to the front door, knocking hesitantly. 

When the door swung open, I had to take a step back in surprise. 

I hadn't known what to expect from the real Max, but it wasn't this. 

He had a pair of glasses pushed up to the top of his head and was wearing a pair of sweats and a gaming t-shirt. Actually, now that I properly read it, it was a nerdy pun.

Homonyms are a reel waste of thyme. 

"T-this was no-ot was I was expecting," Max stuttered, looking as nervous as I felt. 

I really wasn't sure whether I should take that as a compliment or an insult, but I decided it didn't really matter. I had thought the same thing about him anyway. 

"How come you're stuttering?" I asked, frowning. "You don't stutter much, really."

He scratched the back of his neck. "I-I only really s-stutter when I'm nerv-vous, now."

Awh, that was actually adorable. "And the glasses?" I asked, pointing to the ones on his head while we walked to the attic.

"Only for r-reading."


We climbed the stairs to the attic and got settled on either end of the couch, looking at each other. "Uh, how about qna?" I suggested, thinking it would be the best option for something like today. 

"Okay," he breathed, probably calming himself. 

I knew exactly why he was nervous, just as I was. It's because we were both so used to wearing our masks 24/7, that taking them off and exposing ourselves made us vulnerable, unprotected. Our emotions bubbling to the surface without us masking them with something else. 

I don't know. It was strange, but it felt so nice to not have to pretend.

"Uh, I d-don't really have a question," Max mumbled, leaning back against the couch. He seemed more relaxed than normal, more free. 

"Okay," I smiled. "I'll go. What is something no one knows about you?" I asked, quite proud of my question. 

"I'm kind of a b-book nerd," he didn't look away but I could tell he wanted to, his cheeks were painted with a light pink. "Same question to you."

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