Chapter 10

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As the week progressed I found myself becoming closer with Max. Even just in those few days I had become more comfortable around him. 

Sure he still annoyed the living daylights out of me but every time I called him on it. I wasn't going to let him get away with it. 

It was strange though, the more time I spent talking to him, the more confident I was speaking to the whole group. 

"Hey do you want to stay at mine tonight?" Leah asked on Thursday as I was walking to history. 

I frowned. It was a school night. But then again, I had one of the least strict dads and it's not like I had been getting any sleep anyway. 

"Sure," I smiled as I turned into my history classroom where Olly was already seated towards the back. 

"Hey," I greeted Olly and when he saw me a bright smile lit his face, reaching his green eyes behind his glasses. 

He wrote something down on his notepad and passed it to me. 

Hey! How are you chicky? =)

I smiled, happy he was in a good mood. 

"I'm good. You seem pretty good too!" I told him, handing his notepad back. 

It landed on my desk seconds later. 

I am!!! 

"Isaac?" I asked and Olly blushed and nodded. 

"What happened?" I asked.

Olly got the notepad back and started to write as fast as he could. 

Which was really fast. 

Oh my God it ws so cute I got to my locker this morning and he left me a note and stuff and it was vry cute!!

I smiled at him but before I could say anything he was writing more down. 

But to be honest I would rather talk about your love life right now!!

I frowned but didn't respond right away as the teacher had walked in. 

This teacher was pretty laid back and we didn't have any assignments so she just put on a movie for us to relax.

I took out a loose sheet of paper and wrote on it, passing it to Olly. 

Sorry but I have no love life =)

Olly made a sound that slightly resembled a scoff as he scribbled something down on the same piece of paper and passed it back.

Need I remind you of Max?

I groaned quietly. 

Nothing is going on with him, Olly.

He obviously didn't believe me in the slightest. 

Please Ry. You've spent every waking minute with this guy for the past week. If you don't have any feelings towards him then he certainly does. Has he said anything to you? Complimented you or anything like that?

It landed on my desk and I frowned, my brain involuntarily flashing back to camping when I said that I wouldn't be the best friend. 

They were all compliments, but I don't think he meant them. 

I decided to explain this Olly, leaving out the actual compliments - which I hate to admit but - that I had commited to memory. 

Of course Olly wanted to know. 

Omg what did he say??

I rolled my eyes as the film about WWII continued to roll in the background. 

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