Chapter 26

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A/N: Hey awesome people who read my story! Just saying that I'm not uploading as frequently as I would like. I realise the past few chapters have been terrible so I am trying to make these next few better, as they're kind of important. ALSO I am starting a new story as well. To be honest, I've never tried to write two stories at the same time but I'll do my best. So if my uploads are later than usual, that's why! So chill, I'm still writing it but yeah, not as often. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and as always, read, comment, vote etc. (Also, check out my video clip that I made >>)


The next day was no better.

It was hard enough with the whole no sleep thing going on again, and it was even harder not to be able to talk to Max.

I mean, I could. But I was stubborn and I silently vowed to myself that I wouldn't speak until he cracked. Which I suspected wouldn't be for a while.

My only problem was that he had become someone who I relied on so heavily.

Whenever I had a problem, I went to Max. He was one of my only friends that knew everything and could help. He wanted to help.

It was actually rather frightening how much I needed him, but all I needed was to get through today without either; a) blacking out, b) crying, or c) breaking.

And it sure as hell wasn't going to be easy.

I had a loose plan formed in my head when I walked into PE and sat down in my usual spot towards the back, wincing at the lightning that struck inside my head once again.

i knew it was going to be a long day, but I had a few things to do.

Firstly, I had to ignore Max. Obviously.

Secondly, I had to not black ourt.

Lastly, I had to talk to August.

He still hadn't talked to me after his rather abrupt departure and he would avoid eye contact and any conversations with me.

He was still one of my good friends and I needed to know what was going on in his head.

"Hey Rylie!" A high pitched voice screeched.

I winced and turned up to see the owner of the terrible voice.

I faintly recognised her as the girl who I gave Max's wrong number to. I gave her the pizza place instead.

"Hi," I said, biting my lip to stop the smirk lighting up my face.

"Like, you said you'd give me Max's number but you gave me the number to the pizza shop? Like, I can't eat pizza! What the hell?'

"Sorry, I must have read it wrong," I apologized, trying to seem earnest. "Here, I'll give it to you again."

And I did.

It was payback and I felt a whole lot better about everything after I did it.

"Thanks," the blonde bimbo smiled sweetly and sat somewhere on the other side of the classroom.

I seriously had no idea how that chick got into high level physical education. And no, it wasn't the running around and doing pointless sports. It was about bones and muscles and the cardio-respirotory system and energy systems.

All that fun stuff.

"Now class," my teacher started from up the front, pulling down the projector screen and plugging her laptop in. "Today we are going to watch a video on how the sarcomere works. Try to draw the actin and myosin sliding over the top of each other in your books and I will check them at the end of class."

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