Chapter 1

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So.... chapter... 1!! I've got nothing to say up here... oh! The picture in the prologue is Hope. She's also on my instagram so I'll link it at the bottom of this chapter! Enjoy!

So much time has passed. People have started disappearing. Edd has nearly lost it. Matt and him are dating, nothing new, but their both worried sick. Tom has started helping me. And me? Well... I told them about the armies. Virus's Army has gone into chaos and Virus is missing.

Edd wasn't to happy about the whole; "Oh I run a military base that has been trying to take over the world" and what not but seeing as I had also told him about Virus and what she's been doing, he calmed down. He was very skeptic about it at first but let it go after awhile. Tom has been working with the my base with Edd and Matt with Pat watching over them.

Pau and I? Well... Edd asked me to try and find Virus. I said that I had to check on her base and so I brought Pau along with me. We are currently at the Silver Base. Chaos was something I expected. But I did not expect the soldiers to be scared or even shacking in fear. Confusion spread across our faces as one of the soldiers.

"What's going on?" I over heard Pau whisper.

"I have no clue." I answered with a quiet voice. Some people saw us and one of them walked over... well, ran.

"Sirs, are you two from the Red Army Base?"

"Yes. Who might you be?"

"My name is Karrie. I'm a doctor here. Someone came storming in and declared that Ms. Virus was dead. Please tell she isn't?" The desperation in the women's voice was like she didn't want to lose something.

"Umm... I'm not saying for sure. But I believe that she is still alive." I said and the women, Karrie, sighed in relief. Another women ran up to us and gave us a confused.

"Oh! Katty! These two are from the Red Army."

"That's nice but why do you sound so chipper? Isn't there things that are a small bit more important? The soldiers are all in chaos."

"But Katty?"

"But nothing. I understand you are worried, but there are things that are slightly more important. We need to find Ms. Virus before Rose loses her mind. Figuratively."

"That's what I was trying to say! This young man said he believes Virus is alive. The complete opposite of what ms grumpy pants said!"

"Oh. Well you should have started with that. Pardon for my earlier rudeness of not introducing myself."

"It's alright. My name is Tord and this is Pau."

"Salutations. My name is Katty. I'm a strategist."

"And you know me! But what do you two do?"

"Well. I am the leader of the Red Army; Tord Larson. Pau here is one of my right hand men."

"Oh my! I'm so sorry for being rude Sir!"

"It's alright. Much like Virus I do not mind when people talk to me normally."

"Do you know her personally?" Katty said which caught me off guard. I turned to her and nodded. The two seemed quite surprised. There was a small bit of yelling and then both girls said they had to leave. Karrie immediately started treating wounds while Katty told other what to do.

"Are they her right hands?" Pau asked out of no where. I shrugged and we walked over to someone else. We came across someone who had huddled into their jacket and someone else who was trying to calm them down.






"No...." the person in their jacket whines again and the other sighed.

"Oh sorry, hi there... Umm, how can I help you?"

"We, well I, was wondering what on Earth is going on."

"Ah yes. You are Red Leader Tord and right hand Pau, correct? I had gotten word that you were coming. And for what's going on... no clue honestly. Someone came barging in yelling and no one knew what to do. We've been is chaos ever since. Any of us that are seen by that damned women get shot. Everyone's out here."

"So no has gone inside?"

"Nope. Too scared."

"Good to know. Pau, help these lady's out. I'll be back." I said and left. I headed inside and I caught a few people wishing me luck and saying I was dead. I made it to Virus's office and knocked on the door.

"Who in their right mind thought they could disturb me!?" Someone yelled and I sighed.

"Clearly someone who wishes to speak with you."

"Who- state your name!"

"Red Leader Tord Larson." I spoke sternly. I heard a muffled gasp but it didnt last long before a pained cry was heard. Their voice was still muffled but clearly it was hard to talk. Their voice sounded horse and dry. I stood my ground and waited outside the door. There was a crash and a slam of a door before the one in front of me opened. A lady with short grey hair and hazel eyes, wearing an orange shirt, purple pants, and red boots opened the door. 

"Hi there~ how can I help you sweet heart?~" He voice was sickingly sweet and dripped with insanity. Muffled cries could be heard as the person tried their hardest to be quiet.

"I'm here to check the base and find someone."


"Someone. That is all you need to know. What are those muffled cries?"

"Eh? Oh... that..." Her voice dropped its cherriness and was replaced with pure venom.

"No one important. At least, no one important to you."

*Tord!* That was the muffled cry I heard and seeing as they knew me, my eyes darkened slightly. Anger slowly taking control of my body. The lady's eyes darkened as well, but not with anger. More like blood lust.

"Stay quiet sweet pea~ You know what happens when your not~" Her voice was that sweet tone. I heard a whimper and then it went quiet. 

"Such a good girl~ maybe you'll get a reward later, doesn't that sound nice~" A whimper was heard and the female chuckled.

"What is your name? I have already told you mine."

"ah yes! My name is Thorne. Pleasure to meet you."

"Thorne? Interesting name."

"Isn't it! I love it! Anyways, why dont you come in and we'll talk more. Maybe I could help you find that person your looking for?"

"I've already found them but a chat sounds lovely." My voice turned to a sweet tone and she seemed shocked.


As I said, my instagram name is Alex_Adamantium. I hope to see you guys soon!!! Love ya all!

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