Chapter 4

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I believe I am going to regret ever starting this mission of almost impossiblity. Spirt, Kira, and Darkie all seem fine while I'm practically the runtof this group. I huff in announce for about the 3rd time. It's been about 2 days since we've started this. Darkie looked back to me and I waved it off. She had taken her jacket off and tied around her waist, but her long sleeve shirt did nothing to help her temperature.

"Are you alright Tord?"


"I didnt take you for the sarcastic type Tord."

'Oh hush.'

"I'm fine. Hot but fine."

"I believe taking that jacket off would help. They are quite heavy."

"Seems like a great idea." She glared at me but I took my jacket off anyways. She sighed and shook her head. Darkie was around her neck resting on her shoulders. Tail wrapped around her left arm as her head laid over her right shoulder blade. She didnt seem to be very comfortable but refused to move. I had offered my side bag as we did need basic needs such as food and water, but she refused that as well. I had rushed it off.





"Coming." We had already done this a couple times. Spirt would warn us and we would hide. We haven't been caught yet. A huge dragon flew over top of us and Darkie held her growl in. Eyes sharp and ready to pounce. I glanced to Spirt and she seemed to focused on something. Looking over to Kira, she looked exhausted. The dragon left and we all stayed where we were.

"Why must this be a problem..."


"I think we should rest here for the night. It's hidden from all angles and we should be safe. Night is coming and we need to rest up." She said. Voice still its soft and quiet tone and sound. Nodding we moved to a small bush and sat down.

"Oh, Kira."

"Hm? Yes?"

"I forgot to ask, who did Thorne take from you?"

"As I said, my love. His name is Logan. He kept me calm. He knew how to. Don't get me wrong, Rose does a fine job, but I Always felt safer with Lo."

"Sounds like you two really loved each other."

"We did." I sighed and thought of Virus.

"What was your connection to her?"

'Hm? Oh, I was her boyfriend. Virus and I are in a relationship.'

"Thats very sweet."

'Really? Tom always said it was weird.'


'A friend of mine.'

"I see. Seems like you two didn't get along very well."

'Not the case but ya. We had our fights and disagreements.'

I let out a yawn and Kira did the same. Darkie had already fallen asleep and Kira was asleep soon, leaning against a tree. I was laying on the ground and fell asleep quickly.

"It's hard to believe that Virus has so many friends. She always told me that she would never get attached to anyone as they always bring her pain. I guess nothin stays the same for long. Cute."

"I honestly believe Virus was lying about that.shes always been someone who keeps things close to her heart. The one place no one is allowed."

'I can still hear you.'

"I'm terribly sorry Tord. I will be quiet."

'I wasn't telling you to be quiet. But what are you going on about?'

"Some things I believe and have seen. I'm voicing my concerns tho few can hear me."

'Concerns? Plural.'

"You seem troubled by something. Although I am slightly nervous, I am invisible to human eye. Therefor I am of no concern, so, why do you have so many thoughts running through your mind?"

'Your chatty and observant, but I am fine. Please try and get some sleep.'

"Of course."

I don't think she believed me but that's fine. I'm not important in this. Rustling could be heard from a bush among with a few hisses in pain. Kira had woken up and rubbed her eyes while yawning.

"M-morni*yawn* ready?" I shook my head and we both turned towards the bush. A small gift of hair poked out every now and then but it never came out. I glanced at Kira and got up. Creeping over to the bush I waited a small bit. I forgot to grab my gun but I can handle things...

'I hope. Don't answer that.'

Everything went quiet before a small hedgehog jumped at me. I yelped and tried moving it of the way but I was too slow. The hedgehog scratched my face. Butting my arm it then ran away. I had fallen to the ground so I was sitting in my butt.

"My goodness! Are you alright? I'm terribly sorry for that."

"Nah, it's cool. I'm alright at least. Still alive and whatnot."

"I see that. Ah! Let me introduce myself, my name is Logan. Logan Bright."

"Logan? Isn't that Ms. Kira's love?"

"Umm, do you by any chance know someone named Kira Night?"

"Yes. Are they alright? Please tell me their not hurt..."

"No, their fine last time I checked." I said and pointed towards her. She was crying. Logan immediately went over to her and hugged her tight. They both held each other tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Lo... your okay... *sniff*" Kira was holding onto Logan as if he was a life line and her life depended on it.


'Are you crying?'

"Yes. This is so pure and cute."

'Cute and pure.'


'Nothing. Never mind.'

"Okay. But what do you think the reunion of you and master will be like?"

'She's gonna metaphorically kill me.'


'She's probably going to slap me across the face or something. She unpredictable.'

"I believe she will do what Ms. Kira and Logan are doing."

'Oh? What makes you say that?'

"I'm not too sure honestly."


Well, I guess it does make some sense. Virus had been trusting me more before what happened. Even Edd was happily surprised. I sigh as I watch the two of them. Darkie lays next to me and her head lands on my leg. The scratch on my face stings but I'll beak with that later.

A loud roar sounded throughout the forest and the two had to cut their reunion short. We all grabbed our weapons, well... I grabbed my weapon and stayed low to the ground listening. Oh boy... we're in some trouble now.

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