Chapter 7

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Or is it?

Our eyes met and he seemed to freak out. I was confused. My brain hurt and my right hand quickly held it. I felt dizzy and my bad feeling only worsened. I struggled to remove my hand from my head but it hurt too bad. I finally decided to glance around. The stranger snuck closer and I was able to see a small bit of them but my vision blurred. Groaning, I tried to move away but was only struck with immense pain in my right side.

Glancing down I saw a blurred gash bleeding. Blood was falling to the ground and my head fuzzed more. Feeling myself faint, I braced myself for the ground. But it never came. I sighed and my eyes fell shut. Sleep taking over my body.

I'm not sure how long it was, but I was awoken by muffled and fuzzy sounding voices. One sounded desperate while the other held concern their voice.

"Sir!.......... th-..........healed!" Was all I could make out before groaning in pain. A gasp sounded and my body went on full alert. Growling the person stepped away cautiously.

"Well, the wolf does have claws."

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" I growled and they shook their head. My vision had cleared but I didn't recognize or could I recall what happened.

"Now now, there's no need for hostility. We just want to know your name dear Mis."

"I'm not telling you. I do not know you, nor do I trust you." I spat as I glared at the man. He nodded and stepped back for the other male to come forward.

"Do you recognize him?" The first man asked and I looked at the second for a small bit. Dirty blonde hair, piercing and perfect silver eyes, blue jacket around his waist as he's wearing a red t-shirt. Black pants and brown combat boots. He reminds me of someone. My eyes squinted slightlyand my headache returned.

"great. Thats all. Do not hurt yourself. You know him but your mind refuses to tell you. Interesting. Sir,do you know the name of this dear Madian?"

"I believe I do, yes."

"What is her name?"

"due to her not telling you, I will not tell you." The first male sighed and shook his head.

"Alright then. Mis, this here gentleman is named Tord Larson. Your boyfriend."

"tord....Tord... Lar....son....." My eyes widened in shock as I quickly fell off the bed I was sitting on. I yelped as pain shot through my neck and went up and down my spin. Groaning I got up carefully. The two seemed slightly shocked at my sudden out burst.

"Where am I." The mystery man flinched at my cold tone and nodded hastily.

"This is some place nether of you are supposed to be. This is the world between life and death. Numbed pain can cause you to come here. You both are in a sleep stasis. My name is Smoky. Smoky Bun." I stared at him with a brow raised but he wasn'tlying. He hasn't lied once since talking to me. My head had cleared and I could clearly remember what happened.

"Mis. Could you please tell me your name?" He asked and I sighed.

"Will it help our situation?"


"fine. My name is Virus Victoria." Now it was tord's turn to e completely shocked.

"Ya, not as fun when you realize something stupid." I said as my eyes glanced to him.he shook his head but kept his mouth shut.

"You two seem to have seen better days."

"No. I am just curios as to why I am here. That is all." I stated and Smoky nodded.

"Yes. I see that. I believe that you two are here as you need to find something or whatnot. I do not know. It is different for everyone. But there has never been two people here at once. I suggest sticking together."

"Yes. Tord?"

"Yup. Im comin'!" Tord said as we started walking beside me. I gave a fake smile and he frowned. Raising a brow he shook his head.


"How many of those have you given to everyone?"

"How many of what?"

"Those smiles. There fake." My breath hitched slightly and I looked down to the ground in guilt.

"I've lost count." I whispered and he was silent. He didn't say anything. I continued walking but Tord had stopped. Stopping myself, I glanced back at him. Confusion written on my face. I was about to say something when the pain in my side rang throughout my body again.

I hid the pain and continued to look at him. Tord walked up to me, placing a hand on my gash and his other hand in my back. I flinched and feared for the worst but he simply stayed still.

Keeping her in my hold, she broke down crying. Taken off guard, I hesitated before hugging her. She held me close and I didn't hesitate to hold her back this time. She cried into my shirt as she shook. Tears were running down her face and my heart could hardly take it.

"Hey, it'll be okay, I promise." My voice was quiet and next to her ear. She shook her head as the tears continued to flow.

"N-no-o..... I-I-it-t-t *hic* w-wo-on-nt-t...." Just by her voice alone, she was scared. I felt myself relaxed a small bit as Virus stopped shaking as much. I had no idea what just happened, but if it calmed her down, I'm all for it. She lifted her head up and stared at me. Confusion replaced her fearful expression from just a few seconds ago.


"Y-you.... do you kn-now what you j-just-t d-did?" I shook my head and she fell silent. Smiling weakly, she hugged me again. Sighing in content, we stayed like that for a small bit. Voice rang through my head, but I was too focused on Virus to recognize them.
"Stay safe. I have a feeling, we'll see each other very soon."

"Wai- what?" Suddenly, everything went black and I gasped. Sitting up I looked around me. Kira, Logan, Spirt, and Darkie all had worried expressions on. I looked around but didn't see Virus anywhere.

'Was.... was that real...?'

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